P Opera a You Know More Than You Think You Know.


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Presentation transcript:

P Opera a You Know More Than You Think You Know

Opera in... Commercials → British Airways, Chocolate, Spaghetti Sauce/Pizza Commercials → British Airways, Chocolate, Spaghetti Sauce/Pizza

British Air


Opera in... Movie Soundtracks → Pretty Woman, Philadelphia, Apocalypse Now Movie Soundtracks → Pretty Woman, Philadelphia, Apocalypse Now


Apocalypse Now

Opera in... Lord of the Rings → Ring Cycle (All- powerful ring, invisibility, gods fighting, leaving home at the end) Lord of the Rings → Ring Cycle (All- powerful ring, invisibility, gods fighting, leaving home at the end) Television → soundtrack, kids shows, learning Television → soundtrack, kids shows, learning

Rabbit of Seville


Renee Flemming


What’s Opera, Doc?

Admission: If you don’t know what’s going on, opera can be boring.

So...be prepared! Read synopsis before you begin Read synopsis before you begin Perhaps listen to the recording or at least some of the major pieces Perhaps listen to the recording or at least some of the major pieces Read the libretto Read the libretto Dress comfortably Dress comfortably Get a good night’s sleep Get a good night’s sleep Pee first! Pee first! Allow extra time Allow extra time Read the program (extras: libretto book & souvenir) Read the program (extras: libretto book & souvenir)

Opera Terminology Libretto – Italian for “little book” (same as script/screenplay) Libretto – Italian for “little book” (same as script/screenplay) Opera Seria – serious opera Opera Seria – serious opera Opera Buffa – comic opera Opera Buffa – comic opera

What’s With All The Languages? Italian → original language of opera, easiest to sing Italian → original language of opera, easiest to sing German German French French Translation → doesn’t convey subtle emotions, doesn’t line up with melody or accents, rhymes don’t fit, word painting is off Translation → doesn’t convey subtle emotions, doesn’t line up with melody or accents, rhymes don’t fit, word painting is off Supertitles very useful! Originated on TV, graduated to opera houses Supertitles very useful! Originated on TV, graduated to opera houses

Example (Weber’s Der Freischütz) “Leise, leise, fromme Weise, schwig’dich auf zum Sternenkreise!” means: “Soft, soft devout melody; vibrate up to the circle of stars!” closest translation in English: Holy, holy meek and lowly, Rise my soul, where stars swing slowly.” Stars swinging?

So how do you pronounce these things?

It’s not over ‘till the fat lady sings. Looks secondary to voice type when casting an opera Looks secondary to voice type when casting an opera Big helps! Big helps!

Big ≠ Fat Larger instrument Larger instrument More sound More sound More resonation (chest cavity, large bones) More resonation (chest cavity, large bones)

“The Voice” Breath control Breath control Chest & Head voice Chest & Head voice Vocal breaks Vocal breaks

Voice Types Soprano Soprano Contralto (Alto) Contralto (Alto) Tenor Tenor Baritone Baritone Bass Bass

Soprano ($) Coloratura → highest, most agile Coloratura → highest, most agile Lyric → sweet, young Lyric → sweet, young Soubrette → cutie pies or streetwise servants Soubrette → cutie pies or streetwise servants Spinto → like lyric but more powerful (“pushed”), suffering, victimized Spinto → like lyric but more powerful (“pushed”), suffering, victimized German Dramatic → horns & helmets, stamina, powerful, warm German Dramatic → horns & helmets, stamina, powerful, warm Mezzo → “half”, spicier roles: tramps, vamps, witches (dramatic); britches (lyric). Sometimes music is just as high as soprano Mezzo → “half”, spicier roles: tramps, vamps, witches (dramatic); britches (lyric). Sometimes music is just as high as soprano

Contralto Rarest Rarest Maids, mothers, grandmothers Maids, mothers, grandmothers Castrati Castrati

Alessandro Moreschi ( )

Tenor ($) Lyric → sweet, pure, vunerable Lyric → sweet, pure, vunerable Spinto → heroic, emotional, juicy Spinto → heroic, emotional, juicy Heldentenor → German roles Heldentenor → German roles Countertenor → falsetto Countertenor → falsetto

Baritone Medium Medium Lyric → fun, comic Lyric → fun, comic Italian Dramatic → (rare!) villainous Italian Dramatic → (rare!) villainous Heldenbaritone → German roles Heldenbaritone → German roles Bass-baritone → depth of bass, quality of baritone (he-men!) Bass-baritone → depth of bass, quality of baritone (he-men!)

Bass Lowest notes the human voice can reach Lowest notes the human voice can reach Priests, fathers, Devil Priests, fathers, Devil


Recitative “Sung speech’ “Sung speech’ Advances action Advances action Doesn’t rhyme Doesn’t rhyme No beat No beat

Aria “Air” or “song” “Air” or “song” Showstopper Showstopper Great emotion, no action Great emotion, no action

Arietta “Little aria” “Little aria” Short Short Lighthearted Lighthearted

Cadenza Vocal fireworks at the end of the aria Vocal fireworks at the end of the aria Show off! Show off! Orchestra silent, singer out of time Orchestra silent, singer out of time

Arioso Cross between aria and recitative Cross between aria and recitative melodic advancing of plot melodic advancing of plot

Duet Aria for two (awwww.... ♥ ) Aria for two (awwww.... ♥ ) Also duo, duetto Also duo, duetto

Trio Aria for three, not necessarily to each other Aria for three, not necessarily to each other Also terzetto, terzett Also terzetto, terzett

Quartet → 4 Quintet → 5 Sextet → 6 Etc...

Chorus Big number with everybody Big number with everybody

Finale Last number of the act Last number of the act Usually everyone Usually everyone
