“From Colony to Country” Weekly Objectives Understand and appreciate lyric poetry Understand and appreciate lyric poetry Appreciate the author’s use of meter Appreciate the author’s use of meter Clarify meaning of archaic language Clarify meaning of archaic language Understand major dates and events that lead to the creation of the federal government under the Constitution Understand major dates and events that lead to the creation of the federal government under the Constitution
Weekly Agenda Build prior knowledge about the Puritans and their traditions during the 17 th century Build prior knowledge about the Puritans and their traditions during the 17 th century Review Literary Terms Review Literary Terms Read p , complete questions Read p , complete questions Read p , class discussion Read p , class discussion Literature for the week includes: Literature for the week includes: “Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson” “Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson” “To My Dear and Loving Husband” “To My Dear and Loving Husband” “ Upon the Burning of Our House” “ Upon the Burning of Our House” Quick Write Quick Write Quiz Quiz Homework Homework
DOL Correct the following sentences: 1. You must of read other lyric poems. 2. To My dear and loving Husband was published after she died, because before, when anne was alive she thought they were too private for public view.
DOL Corrections 1. You must have read other lyric poems. 2. “To My Dear and Loving Husband” was published after she died, because when Anne was alive, she thought it was too private for public view.
Literary Terms to Know Narrative Poem Narrative Poem Lyric Poem Lyric Poem Hyperbole Hyperbole Archaic Language Archaic Language Inverted Syntax Inverted Syntax
Quick Write Think about a person or a possession that means a lot to you. What comparison would express the emotions you feel toward the person or thing? Think about a person or a possession that means a lot to you. What comparison would express the emotions you feel toward the person or thing? Example: _______ means more to me than________. Why?