Romantic Elements
Imagination What is it? Deals with: –Creative ideas –Seeing what you want in the world around you –Paradoxes What is a paradox? –Two opposite ideas working together….these ideas create one central idea.
Imagination You have your own ideas! You are an independent thinker! You don’t have the same ideas as everyone else! People use imagination to think creatively. Poets use imagination to think creatively AND to express ideas creatively.
When is your imagination most active? Explain. 3 minutes to answer
Nature What is it? Deals with: –Seeing plants, animals, and nature as a SYMBOL. –Everything except machines are natural (organic). –Using precise language to describe nature. –Poetry of “meditation” What is meditation? –Taking the time to think about important things carefully without interruption.
Nature Everything around you can be taken back to nature. (Except machines…Romantics hated machines!) Look at your desk. It’s partly made of wood. Nature is always around us. Poets loved nature. They were always trying to surround themselves by nature and understand it. –That’s why so many of their poems deal with trying to explain the nature around them.
How do you feel when you’re alone in nature? 2 minutes to answer
Symbolism and Myth What is it? Deals with: –Interpreting the hidden meaning of an object –Having one object suggest many things –Representing ideas that can’t be put into words –Drawing on ideas and traditions that hold symbolic meaning
Symbolism and Myth We all know the basic symbols. A <3 means love, a ? means you don’t understand something. One object can symbolize many different things. Star=bright=happy=shining=goodnes s Night sky=darkness=peace=openness The poet won’t tell you what he thinks the symbol means. He wants you to decide what you think it means.
What do you think a tree could symbolize? Why? 3 minutes to answer
Emotion What is it? Deals with: –Expressing your feelings –Paying attention to how things around you make you feel –Explaining feelings in simple terms –Explaining feelings by comparisons What types of comparisons could poets use?
Emotion Meditation can be an important aspect of figuring out what emotions are. When you read your poem, try to “listen” to how the poet feels. Don’t use baby words like happy, sad, or angry. Instead use words that are specific.
List as many different emotions as you can think of. 2 minutes to answer
Lyric Poetry What is it? Deals with –The musical quality of the words –The rhythm –The sound of the poem
Lyric Poetry To understand lyric poetry you have to read the poem aloud You may have to read it aloud several times Think about the way your voice rises and falls to sound like music Most of these poems should have an easy rise and fall like a song
How many different styles of music can you think of? 1 minute to answer
Self What is it? Deals with: –Making the poet the speaker –Having a personal expression –Seeing the poet’s perspective –Makes the poet the most important voice What is a speaker –The person whose voice you are hearing in the poem
Self You see everything around you from your perspective Romantic poems write poems from their perspective A lot of times they will say I”” or “me” or tell a personal story
Describe your favorite place. 2 minutes to answer
Romantic Hero What is it? Deals with: –Being bold and expressive –Suggesting meaning instead of saying exactly what they mean –Not sticking to the “rules” of poetry
Romantic Hero The most important person is the poet. He is the one making all the important decisions about the poem. He doesn’t have to have specific rhyme scheme or rhythm The poet decides what to say and how to say it.
Do you like being able to express yourself independently? 2 minutes to answer
Do you remember all the Romantic Elements? 1)Get creative by using your… 2)Enjoy the … that surrounds you. 3)Discover hidden meanings through… 4)Express how you feel by showing… 5)Let the beat flow with… 6)The one who REALLY matters is… 7)Our bold, suggestive man is a…