Early Greece and the discovery of reality and humanity.


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Presentation transcript:

Early Greece and the discovery of reality and humanity

Very little is left of ancient cultures such as Greece However, we value the Greeks because they invented many of the ideas and techniques that are the basis for modern Western civilization, such as: philosophy, history, realistic art, lyric poetry, and science.

Some pots remain. These are Geometric and Protogeometric Amphora (funeral urns; ceremonial food and wine is dropped in top to feed the spirit below)

Greek Gods and Goddesses Zeus: father of gods, god of justice Ares: god of war Aphrodite: goddess of beauty and love Athena: goddess of wisdom Poseidon: god of the sea Apollo: god of intellect, music, medicine

We have some stories left, too, that tell us about the Greek’s attitudes to religion. Zeus, looking down upon man from Mount Olympus in Homer’s Odyssey: “How foolish men are! How unjustly they blame the gods! It is their lot to suffer, but because of their own folly they bring upon themselves sufferings over and above what is fated for them. And then they blame the gods.”

The influence of Egyptian sculpture (left, 2575 BCE) on the early Greek Kore from Delos (right, 650 BCE)

Greek korai sculptures over time, from left (older) to right (more recent) Kouros from Attica 600 BCE The Calf-Bearer 550 BCE Peplos Kore 530 BCW Kouros from Anavysos 530 BCE

The Kritios Boy, Acropolis, Athens 490BCE

The philosopher Protagoras sums up the attitude of Greek intellectual thought when he writes: “Man is the measure of all things, of the existence of those that exist, and of the nonexistence of those that do not.”

Herodotus ( BCE) The first historian, “Father of History” Wrote the History of the Persian Wars First writer in Western tradition to devote himself to historical writing rather than Epic poetry (like Homer) His history is based on observation, analysis, and credible sources Posits the concept of hubris In Book VII of the history, the Persian emperor Xerxes’s uncle, Artabanus, warns Xerxes before the invasion: “You know, my lord, that amongst living creatures it is the great ones that Zeus smites with his thunder, out of envy of their pride. It is God’s way to bring the lofty low. For He tolerates pride in none but Himself.”

Sappho (b. 612 BCE), the great Greek lyric poet; Percussion, salt and honey, A quivering in the thighs; He shakes me all over again, Eros who cannot be thrown, Who stalks on all fours Like a beast.