Andy Glenn Annie Trudeau ED Fall 2007
Unit/Grade Level/Lesson Unit: 50 States Grade Level: 5 Lesson: Have students learn the United States and their location
Objectives To have students learn all the names and locations of the 50 states of the United States.
Ohio Social Studies Standards Standard: Geography Benchmark: Use map elements or coordinates to locate physical and human features of North America. Indicator: Use maps to identify the location of the 50 states of the United States
Materials Needed Blank Maps Index Cards Computer with Internet Song Lyrics for “Fifty Nifty United States” 50 State Word Search The Scrambled States of America Board Game Hop Off! Board Game
Materials Continued Bingo Cards Pictures of the States Classroom Map of the United States Books and Encyclopedias Jeopardy Template
Pre Assessment Give students a blank map and have them fill in all the states that they can identify.
Facts About the United States U.S. declared independence: July 4, 1776 Largest State: Alaska Smallest State: Rhode Island Capital of the U.S.: District of Columbia, Washington D.C. 1 st State: Delaware in 1787 50 th State: Hawaii in 1959 Ohio: 1803 was its Statehood; 17 th state
Facts About the U.S. Flag 13 Stripes represent the 13 original colonies 50 Stars represent the 50 states of the United States
Activity One 1. Have students watch the “Fifty Nifty United States” video clip Pass out the lyrics to students and watch the video clip again and have students sing along. Nifty-United-States-lyrics-Ray- Charles/0AE98363D8B3BD3B48256C24000F 4F7B Nifty-United-States-lyrics-Ray- Charles/0AE98363D8B3BD3B48256C24000F 4F7B Nifty-United-States-lyrics-Ray- Charles/0AE98363D8B3BD3B48256C24000F 4F7B
Activity Two 1. Give students a blank map and fill in as a class the 50 states
Activity Three 1. Have students work in pairs. 2. Each group will create a set of flashcards with a picture of each of the 50 states on an index card.
Activity Four Have students go to the computer lab to play games of the 50 States 50 States Hangman hangman.htm 50 States Hangman hangman.htm hangman.htm hangman.htm United States Geography Game ates_geography.htm United States Geography Game ates_geography.htm ates_geography.htm ates_geography.htm United States of America Map Game United States of America Map Game
Activity Six 1. Have students create BINGO cards listing 24 states and a Free Space 2. The teacher will hold up pictures of each state and students will need to see if that state is on their BINGO card
Activity Seven 1. Students will work individually researching one of the 50 states. 2. They will need to find 10 interesting facts about their state. 3. They will need to draw a picture of what their states looks like.
Activity Eight 1. Divide students into teams to play Jeopardy 2. The teacher will create questions about the 50 states (including pictures of the states, the states that border each other)
Activity Nine 1. Have the students play “Around the World” 2. All students will be seated, the teacher will ask one student to stand behind another student. 3. These two students will be shown a picture of a state and who ever guesses correctly moves onto other seated students.
Post Assessment Give students a blank map of the United States and have them complete for a grade
Blank Map This is what we would provide the students to fill out
Web Sites 50 States Facts 50 States Hangman hangman.htm hangman.htm 50 States Lesson Plan “Fifty Nifty United States” Video Clip “Fifty Nifty United States” Lyrics States-lyrics-Ray- Charles/0AE98363D8B3BD3B48256C24000F4F7B States-lyrics-Ray- Charles/0AE98363D8B3BD3B48256C24000F4F7B States-lyrics-Ray- Charles/0AE98363D8B3BD3B48256C24000F4F7B
Web Sites Continued “Fifty Nifty United States” Lyrics /Fifty-Nifty-United-States-lyrics-Ray- Charles/0AE98363D8B3BD3B48256C240 00F4F7B /Fifty-Nifty-United-States-lyrics-Ray- Charles/0AE98363D8B3BD3B48256C240 00F4F7B /Fifty-Nifty-United-States-lyrics-Ray- Charles/0AE98363D8B3BD3B48256C240 00F4F7B United States of America Map Game United States Geography Game s_geography.htm s_geography.htm s_geography.htm