Poetry-1 Activating Strategy- Lets Brainstorm How are poems different from stories? List as many examples of their differences in your LA journal.
Poetry-1 Essential Question 1) How do poems differ from stories? 2) How can you evaluate a poem?
Poetry-1 “ The Great Figure” by William Carlos Williams 1) What is the “Great Figure” I the poem? 2) What sense words help you hear what the fire truck sounds like?
Poetry-1 “ “Inventions” by Billy Collins 1) In the poem “Invention”, what things does the poet compare the phases of the moon to? 2) After reading this poem, how do you think Billy Collins feels about the moon? How did both poets make their descriptions vivid?
Vocabulary 1) Figurative Language- words that create vivid pictures by comparing things in unexpected ways. 2) Lines- rows of words 3) Repetition- a repeating pattern of sounds, words, phrases, or lines. 4) Rhyme- a repeating pattern in the final sound of words 5) Rhythm- a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables 6) Sensory language- words that describe how things look, smell, feel, taste, and sound. Homework- Practice Book #93
Poetry- Day 2 Lyric Poems- these poems often have a musical quality. The primary purpose of a lyric poem is to express emotions or thoughts. Narrative Poems- The primary purpose of narrative poetry is to tell a story. The story often has a beginning, middle, and end. Page 119
Poetry- Day 2 “ Good Hotdogs” by Sandra Cisneros Teacher Modeling of the Poem Practice Book Page 94 (Transparency F1-2) Comprehension Questions TM 122 #1-3 What kind of Poem is “Good Hotdogs”?
Poetry- Day 2 “Losing Livie” by Karen Hess Practice Book Page 94 (Transparency F1-2) Comprehension Questions TM 122 #5-6
Poetry We are going to get into groups of 4. Each group will read all poems on page 125 through 133. Your group should pick 6 poems and list them in order (Best is #1 and last favorite is # 6). Mr. Fisher will assign you 2 poems to evaluate.
Poetry Each group will re-read your two top poems and answer the following questions about each poem. What is the poem about? What does the poem mean to you? What message is the poet trying to convey to you? Do you like the poem? Why or Why Not? What kind of poem is it? Be prepared to share your responses with the class. Homework- Practice Book #95
Homework Turn to Practice Book #96 Follow the assignment’s directions by comparing 2 poems that you liked.
Essential Question What are the characteristics of Haiku poetry?
Poetry- Haiku Notes in Journal Haiku- a type of Japanese poem that has a formal structure. A poem written in the haiku form has 17 syllables , arranged in three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables. Haiku are often about nature or the seasons.
Poetry- Haiku Example: Family Style page 128 Copy this poem in your journal. Draw lines in the poem that show the different syllables in the poem. What is the poem about?
Assignment Write your own Haiku. Give your poem a title. Make an illustration to go along with your poem. Place the poem in the center of the illustration.
Figurative Language Essential Question What is the difference between literal and figurative language?
Figurative Language EQ: What are seven types of figurative language?