Illustration 5/19-5/23 Livoti
Monday 5/19 Aim: How can you continue to work in an open studio to complete your Fashion Editorial Illustration? Do Now: Review terms for test HW: Song Illustration: Choose one part of a song lyric from your favorite band/musician and interpret it visually. Write the lyric on the side of your sketchbook page with the song name/artist name. Due Friday 5/22 TEST TOMORROW!
Tues 5/20 Aim: How can you complete your Fashion Editorial Illustration? Do Now: review test #1 (moved from Friday) HW: Song Illustration: Choose one part of a song lyric from your favorite band/musician and interpret it visually. Write the lyric on the side of your sketchbook page with the song name/artist name. Due Friday 5/22
Wed 5/21 Aim: What is the Illustration and Design final exam and project? Do Now: List the different kinds of illustration you have learned about thus far. HW: Song Illustration: Choose one part of a song lyric from your favorite band/musician and interpret it visually. Write the lyric on the side of your sketchbook page with the song name/artist name. Due Friday 5/22
Final Exam: Monday June 9 th - 40 Multiple Choice Questions (40 points) (Not a work day! Final exam review June 5 th ) Monday May 26 school is closed June 3 is not a school day Final Project: Begin Thurs May 19 Project is due for Critique/Written Analysis by Tues. June 10 th. June Last days of class, portfolio documentation, bring home work.
Final Project: Goal: To create a conceptual illustration based on a song lyric from your favorite musician for a vinyl record album cover Materials: Open material choice, with inclusion of printmaking/stencil techniques, photograph, scanner art and collage is allowed. Title of the record must showcase typography techniques and strong compositional skills.
What is conceptual illustration? Conceptual illustration expresses the illustrators personal and creative ideas about a subject of their choice. Idea based! Often times these illustrations are considered surreal or dreamlike. The illustrations do not have to depict things in a realistic way. Many kinds of illustration can be morphed together to create a conceptual illustration. What makes a good conceptual illustration? Balance between clarity and uniqueness Conveying meaning Telling the story but in a direct way Simplicity and elegance Ability to evoke a memory or feeling in the viewer Juxtaposition- combining 2 unrelated things to create meaning Making something exist even though it doesn’t exist in real life
Baroness – The Red Album (1988) This gorgeous cover art was created by Baroness lead singer John Dyer Baizley. Baizley does all of the band’s artwork and has also worked on art for other bands.
Illustrator Ian Wright ran with the "Paper Trail" theme for T.I.'s post-prison comeback, building an incredibly intricate portrait collage out of scrap paper and money
Renowned Japanese pop artist Takashi Murakami took Yeezy's collegeiate theme to the next level with his eye- catching send-up of the ongoing student life metaphors represented by the rapper's album titles. The cover's setting, Universe City, is popping with color, symbolism, and a boldness that reminds us that he was the biggest music star on the planet when Graduation dropped.
Jacob Bannon: Converge
To convey themes of “memory loss, birth, death, growth, [and] decay” for Bon Iver’s self-titled album, Minneosta painter Gregory Euclide literally constructed and deconstructed his art with painting, drawing, and an array of natural materials.
Oneohtrix Point Never – Replica
Thurs 5/22 Aim: How can you brainstorm ideas for your conceptual record cover illustration? Do Now: List your favorite music albums of all time Research your favorite music albums; find the artist who did the album art. Describe the illustrators style. Determine what materials may have been used to create the artwork. Does the style of the art match the album’s concept/musical style? List your favorite song from your favorite album. Choose one lyric to interpret visually! How can this be the basis for your conceptual illustration? What materials would you use to create it? HW: Song Illustration: Choose one part of a song lyric from your favorite band/musician and interpret it visually. Write the lyric on the side of your sketchbook page with the song name/artist name. Due Friday 5/22
Fri 5/23 Aim: How can you create a compositional sketch for your conceptual illustration? Do Now: Sketch a design using only shape and line that may represent a feeling or emotion associated with your song lyric choice.