S CHEMA A CTIVATOR You and your peers have been socialized through your schooling experience: What personal attributes did you learn are valuable from your schooling? What did you learn and not learn about your culture and society from your schooling? What did you learn about your role in society from school?
S CHOOLS AS SOCIALIZATION AGENTS Manifest function: teach knowledge and skills Latent function: unintended consequences of schools At home, children learn values of family; school teaches broader social values
F UNCTIONALIST : L ATENT FUNCTIONS OF SCHOOLS Universality – same rules apply to everyone Hidden curriculum – are not explicitly taught, but are the “messages” sent from schools Competition Listening/following to authority Nationalism, democracy, etc. Corridor curriculum – what students teach each other Often contains racism, sexism, “coolness”
C ONFLICT P ERSPECTIVE : CRITICISM Education is different in America based on social class Upper/middle class Often more resources Prepare for upper position jobs Structure of schools support openness and individuality; “train to be the boss” Lower/middle class Often less resources Prepare for blue collar jobs Structure of schools support rule-following; “train to be the employee”
“A LL IN ALL YOU ’ RE JUST ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL ” Choose a specific lyric that relates to the how school’s socialize students. Provide an analysis of what that lyric means. Lyric: Analysis: Watch the music video, what symbolism is used to illustrate the process of school socialization? Provide an analysis of what the symbolism means. Symbolism: Analysis: Has your educational experience been more of development of you as an individual, or have you been “processed” by schools? EXPLAIN!
D OLL S TUDY R ESEARCH series-doll-study-research/ Which socialization agents came impacted these students? Provide an example of each. What can be done to address this issue?