Romeo and Juliet Final Project
About the project… You will be given the opportunity to select your project from a collection of 8 options. Each activity is accompanied by a grading rubric which explains, in detail, what you are required to do to earn full points. Please review options carefully as you will not be allowed to make changes. Look carefully at each rubric and ask questions prior to finalizing your selection. Please adhere to the due date as you will be deducted 10 points for each day your project is late.
8 options Photo Essay Character Scrapbook One Person Performance Newspaper Front Page Board Game Music Mix Theme Park Graphic Novel/Comic Book
1. Photo Essay Choose one theme or motif in Romeo and Juliet (light and dark, love, fate and chance, etc.). Collect at least 15 photos that represent that theme. You may NOT use pictures from any version of Romeo and Juliet. You are to collect photos from other sources that represent themes/motifs from the play. You may create an electronic presentation, a poster, brochure or other method of presentation. Please see me for approval prior to starting the project.
1. Photo Essay Rubric At least 15 pictures/photos that represent a theme/motif from the play (25 points) 1 paragraph for each photo that explains how that photo represents the theme (25 points) Each paragraph must include at least one line quoted from the play that links your artistic representation to the text (25 points) One page introduction explaining why the theme or motif you chose is central to the story with 2-3 examples of where it occurs throughout the play (15 points) Neat and creative (10 points)
2. Character Scrapbook Choose one character from the play and compile a scrapbook of memorabilia that he/she might have collected or come across during the play. Each artifact must be captioned with where the character got it, the significance of the artifact to the character, act/scene/line where the artifact can be found in the play. Think of images that keep recurring, the places they go, and anything he/she might have received from another character.
2. Character Scrapbook rubric At least 12 pieces of memorabilia (25 points) 2-3 paragraphs for each item that explains what the item is, where he/she got it and why you chose it. (25 points) 10 diary entries written by your character describing thoughts/feelings about events from the play. (25 points) One page introduction explaining your artistic choices. (15 points) Neat, creative and in scrapbook form (10 points)
3. One Person Performance Drama was intended to be performed for an audience. This project requires you to wear many different hats (figuratively and possibly literally!). You must act as a one person theater company and perform the entire play of Romeo and Juliet (abbreviated, but covering all major points).
3. One person performance rubric Different characters are represented either visually or verbally (25 points) At least 1 quote from the text of the play for each Act in Romeo and Juliet (25 points) Performance must remain true to the plot and timeline of the play (25 points) Performance must last between 5-7 minutes. (25 points)
4. Newspaper Front Page Create a newspaper based on the play. Summarize the plot in one article, cover the weather in another, create a feature story on one of the more interesting characters in another. Please include an editorial and a collection of advertisements that would be pertinent to the story (for example: ad for a sword or a pair of tights). Also include obituaries for all characters who died in the story. This project may be created electronically or on paper, however you must use the proper format for a newspaper (columns, title banner, date, pictures, etc.)
4. Newspaper Front Page Rubric Plot Summary: all elements of plot are present and clearly stated (20 points) Feature article: facts and information about one of the more interesting characters. Must make clear and direct connection between character and plot. (15 points) Editorial: clearly explains how story addresses the unit theme of “Power of Love” (15 points) Weather: article contains 5 facts about weather conditions at the time of the story (10 points) Advertisements: contains collection of at least 5 ads for goods or services that would be pertinent to the story (10 points) Obituaries: for all of the characters who died during the play (15 points) Formatting: use the proper format for each genre of news writing, as well as correct format for newspaper (15 points) Grammar, mechanics (minus 1 point for each error)
5. Board Game Create a board game centered on a theme from Romeo and Juliet. You may complete this activity independently or with one partner (partners must be approved by teacher prior to beginning the project!). Besides designing the board, game pieces and questions, you will also build your writing skills by writing a clear set of instructions that explains how to play the game. After completing the project, you will present your board games to classmates and play them.
5. Board Game Rubric (part 1 of 2)
5. Board Game Rubric (part 2 of 2)
6. Music Mix Music is a powerful instrument used to develop mood and support character traits in movies and dramas. What songs can you think of that describe characters and situations similar to those in Romeo and Juliet? If you were producing a musical soundtrack for a modern version of Romeo and Juliet, what songs would you play? When would you play them? Why would you select these particular songs? LYRICS MUST BE SCHOOL APPROPRIATE.
6. Music Mix Rubric Choose two theme songs for each act (10 songs). Identify title, artist, lyrics for each song. (25 points) On your lyric sheet, highlight the words that apply most directly to your character or act. Identify the character/act that corresponds to your lyrics. (25 points) Write one paragraph about each song you have chosen. Each paragraph must include at least two lines from the play and two lines from the song (use quotation marks) and an explanation linking your song lyrics to the identified lines from the play. (25 points) Choose one of your songs to share with the class. Find a way to play it. You will be expected to explain why you chose that song and how it relates to the play. (25 points)
6. Music Mix example… Closed off from love, I didn't need the pain Once or twice was enough, but it was all in vain Time starts to pass, before you know it, you're frozen But something happened, for the very first time with you My heart melts into the ground, found something true And everyone's looking round, thinking I'm going crazy But I don't care what they say I'm in love with you They try to pull me away, but they don't know the truth My heart's crippled by the vein, that I keep on closing You cut me open and I
7. Theme Park William Shakespeare is a man for all times. It is now time to show this time (your time) how much fun they can have with him by creating a Romeo and Juliet Theme Park. You have been chosen for the job of the developer. You must make important decisions regarding the attractions, cost, restrooms, restaurants, and many other things. You are also in charge of promoting this park. Therefore, you will create a plan for modern day.
7. Theme Park Rubric Appropriate name for your park (5 points) At least 6 main attractions with a name/description (40 points) Theme park location (5 points) Realistic pricing of admission (5 points) At least 3 restaurants with name and description (25 points) At least 2 gift shops with name and description (10 points) Park hours (5 points) Additional park features such as fireworks, parades, shows, etc. (10 points) Neatly and appropriately designed brochure (45 points)
7. Graphic Novel/Comic Book Choose the most important action in each act of the play. Recreate the story using both illustrations and words. Make sure your project contains a graphic representation of the play and covers all 24 scenes. Also required is a one page introduction in which you explain the mood and themes you are attempting to capture in your recreation.
7. Graphic Novel/Comic Book Rubric Summary of all key elements of each act in the play (50 points) Shakespeare’s dialogue in thought bubbles (25 points) Pictures help tell the story of the set/All artwork is original (50 points) Pages contain 4-6 panels/only 2 pages can be splash pages (25 points) Includes a cover in color (25 points) Grammar, spelling and punctuation (minus 1 point for each convention error)
DUE DATE: Monday, March 9, 2015