The Earliest Californians Social Studies Chapter 2
Nomads Nomads were the first people to come to North America 10,000 years ago. A nomad is a person who keeps moving from place to place.
California Tribes About 5,000 years ago people began to gather in villages. Some people formed what are today called tribes. The tribes developed their own culture, or ways of living. They were also alike in some ways.
Using Natural Resources All Native Californians used the natural resources around them for food, and to make clothing, shelter, and tools. Because they lived in different regions, however, different resources were available to them.
Clues From the Past What we know about Native Californians comes from artifacts, or objects they left behind. Artifacts and other clues from the past indicate that large numbers of people lived in California long ago. In fact, 500 years ago more people lived in California than in any other place in what is now the United States.