Extended Diversion Time Operations Presented by Mark Sinclair, CASA
Extended Diversion Time Operations Applies to all turbine-engine aircraft Flight time - 1 engine inoperative cruise speed - from point on route to adequate aerodrome is > threshold time. Prior ETOPS CAO 82.0 amended - new EDTO rules
EDTO vs ETOPS EDTO Same weather holding requirements Affects all aircraft Alternates Aerodromes Threshold 90 mins Range circles 410nm - 60mins, 800nm-120mins. Same weather holding requirements Window of suitability buffer not applicable
EDTO Rules EDTO operations rules provided under ICAO annex 6 CAO 82.0
Aeroplane Eligibility for EDTO EDTO approval eligible - must have EDTO type design approval in: Flight Manual or supp or Type Cert. Data Sheet or Supp Type Cert.
Threshold Time More than 19 passengers or max payload capacity exceeds 3410kg: twin engine – 90 minutes; or more than 2 engines – 180 mins
Route Distance Limitations Piston-engined aeroplanes MTOW exceeds 5700 Kg Engaged in charter or regular public transport Limited route no point > 60 mins 1 eng inoperative cruise speed from adequate aerodrome
Piston > 5700 Kg 60 min Turbine < 19 passengers and > 5700 Kg EDTO 180 min Twin Turbine > 19 pax or > 3410 Kg payload <75 min EDTO (120, 180, 240) <90 min Three, Four Turbine Engine (Passenger Operations Only)
Adequate Aerodrome CAO 82.0 Physical requirements Provides facilities and services for type meteorological forecasts authorised instrument approach
EDTO Alternate Aerodrome adequate aerodrome listed in AOC holder’s EDTO safety operational specifications inside Australian territory outside Australian territory
ETP Critical Fuel Scenario CAO 82.0 s6.1 EDTO flight cannot depart unless fuelled to cover most limiting scenario Depressurisation 2 engines Depressurisation 1 engine Failure 1 engine
Calculate ETP Critical Fuel Scenario ID most limiting scenario then include: Fuel burn-off 15 minutes hold at 1500ft Fuel for and instrument approach and landing 5% wind speed factor 5% PDA Add fuel required by M.E.L / enroute icing
Earliest & Latest Times of Arrival Earliest ETA add to ETD, interval dep point to ETP, estimate elapsed time from critical point to EDTO Alternate Aerodrome. Latest ETA add to ETD, interval dep point to ETP, estimate elapsed time from that point back to EDTO Alternate Aerodrome. No 30 min buffers as with ETOPs
Window of Suitability time between earliest possible ETA and latest possible ETA, for specific EDTO Alternate Aerodromes. forecast weather conditions, must meet EDTO Dispatch Minima requirements for entire period. No 30min buffer in calculation
EDTO Dispatch Minimas CAO82.0 Appendix 5 .Table 1 New EDTO dispatch minima adds a buffer based on: accuracy of approach aid ability to control aircraft reliability of approach aid and crew workload Note: only ILS precision approach