Critical Path Analysis Activity Duration mins Shower3 Dry hair8 Fetch car7 Iron clothes12 Dress and make-up10 Drive to interview20.


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Presentation transcript:

Critical Path Analysis Activity Duration mins Shower3 Dry hair8 Fetch car7 Iron clothes12 Dress and make-up10 Drive to interview20

Precedence table Activity Immediately preceding activities Duration mins AShower-3 BDry hairA8 CFetch car-7 DIron clothes-12 EDress and make-upB,D10 FDrive to interviewC,E20 The last activities that must be completed before an activity can begin

Latest finish time Earliest start time Activity Duration 3 B Latest finish time Earliest start time Activity Duration 8 12 Activity B Dry Hair Using Labels to Identify the Activity

Activity on Node Network The network will build up with each mouse click, in the order you would construct it on paper. 0 0 Start 3 A 8 B 7 C 20 F 10 E 12 D 0 End Nothing precedes A, D or C B follows A E follows B and D F follows E and C ActivityImmediately preceding activities Dura tion mins A Shower-3 B Dry hairA8 C Fetch car-7 D Iron clothes-12 E Dress and make- up B,D10 F Drive to interviewC,E20

Activity on Node Network 0 0 Start 0 3 A 3 8 B 0 7 C F E 0 12 D 42 0 End ActivityImmediately preceding activities Dura tion mins A Shower-3 B Dry hairA8 C Fetch car-7 D Iron clothes-12 E Dress and make- up B,D10 F Drive to interviewC,E20

Activity on Node Network Start A B C F E 0 12 D 42 0 End ActivityImmediately preceding activities Dura tion mins A Shower-3 B Dry hairA8 C Fetch car-7 D Iron clothes-12 E Dress and make- up B,D10 F Drive to interviewC,E20

Activity on Node Network Start A B C F E 0 12 D 42 0 End Critical activities are activities that cannot run late. For critical activities: Earliest start time + length of activity = Latest finish time

Activity on Node Network Start A B C F E 0 12 D 42 0 End The green arrows mark the critical activities, which form the critical path. The critical path(s) must form a continuous route from the start node to the end node.

Float Total Float latest finish – earliest start – length of activity Total Float A4 – 0 – 3 = 1 B12 – 3 – 8 = 1 C22 – 0 – 7 = 15 ActivityImmediately preceding activities Dura tion mins A Shower-3 B Dry hairA8 C Fetch car-7 D Iron clothes-12 E Dress and make- up B,D10 F Drive to interviewC,E20

D Iron E Dress F Drive A Sh B Dry C Get Car Start A B C F E 0 12 D 42 0 End Gantt Chart Put the critical activities along the bottomThese activities must be started and completed on timeNow put in the non–critical activities at their earliest start timeFinally show the float time

D Iron E Dress F Drive A Sh B Dry C Get Car Gantt Chart Finally how many people are needed? Obviously one person has to shower, dry and dress Can another person do the ironing and get the car 2 people are required