Manuscripts of the NT Commentary and Excerpts From the Book by Neil R. Lightfoot
Review What Scriptures tell us that the Bible is inspired by God? What Scriptures tell us that the Bible is inspired by God? –2 Tim 3:16-17 –2 Peter 1:20-21 How many books are in the Bible? How many books are in the Bible? –66 How long a period of time did it take to write the Bible? How long a period of time did it take to write the Bible? –1,600 years When was the earliest human writing? When was the earliest human writing? –About 3000BC in Mesopotamia; mostly on clay tablets Where and from what date is the earliest Scripture that we have? Where and from what date is the earliest Scripture that we have? –Proto-Sinaitic inscription; done on rock in 1,500BC about 50mi from Mt. Sinai What is the significance of Papyrus? What is the significance of Papyrus? –Job 8:11 –Root word for paper –Biblios = paper in Greek, Biblion = papyrus roll, Biblia = rolls and it meant “the Books”, eventually came to me “the Book of Holy Scripture” or Bible What is a Codex? What is a Codex? –The earliest form of a book
Overview 1. What is a manuscript 2. Handwriting styles 3. Two major types of New Testament manuscript 1.Uncials 2.Minuscules 4. Three Important Uncials 5. Quiz
Manuscripts of the New Testament The many books of the NT were undoubtedly written on Papyrus rolls The many books of the NT were undoubtedly written on Papyrus rolls –With constant use would not last a decade –However many copies were made so writings were not lost These copies are called “manuscripts” These copies are called “manuscripts” Several hundred have dates on them and these are helpful in dating the ones that are not dated Several hundred have dates on them and these are helpful in dating the ones that are not dated Questions that are asked: Handwriting Questions that are asked: Handwriting –Letters large or small, words written together or separated, how many columns to a page, any punctuation, paragraphs, plain letters or elaborate and complex
Major Types Two major types of NT manuscripts Two major types of NT manuscripts –Uncials are the earliest and most important Written in all capital letters Written in all capital letters –The larger group of manuscripts Cursives or Minuscules Cursives or Minuscules Smaller letters and more cursive like Smaller letters and more cursive like Made their debut in the 9 th century and are less valuable Made their debut in the 9 th century and are less valuable –There are over 5,300 NT manuscripts Most do not contain the entire NT, only a few Most do not contain the entire NT, only a few The NT is still the best-attested book from the ancient world The NT is still the best-attested book from the ancient world A complete hand produced NT would be too bulky A complete hand produced NT would be too bulky –Copies fit one of four categories The four Gospels The four Gospels Acts and General Epistles Acts and General Epistles The Pauline Epistles The Pauline Epistles The Book of Revelation The Book of Revelation
Major Types The writings probably circulated individually at first The writings probably circulated individually at first –Then joined with other books –Finally combined into one of the four categories –For this reason most of our manuscripts today do not contain all of the NT books Of the 5,300 the vast majority are minuscules dating from the 9 th – 16 th century Of the 5,300 the vast majority are minuscules dating from the 9 th – 16 th century The Uncials number about 650 The Uncials number about 650 Uncial and Cursive writing was in use: the various NT letters were probably dictated (Rom 16:22, 1 Peter 5:12,) so at first were written cursively Uncial and Cursive writing was in use: the various NT letters were probably dictated (Rom 16:22, 1 Peter 5:12,) so at first were written cursively As copied though they were written in book hand As copied though they were written in book hand Uncials use large letters without intervening spaces between the words and little punctuation Uncials use large letters without intervening spaces between the words and little punctuation –Unfinished words were completed on the next line so the columns remained straight Of the 650 Uncials: 95 Papyri and 270 Lectionaries which were especially designed for public reading Of the 650 Uncials: 95 Papyri and 270 Lectionaries which were especially designed for public reading
Major Types 280 Uncial manuscripts are on parchment dating from the 3 rd or 4 th century to the 10 th century 280 Uncial manuscripts are on parchment dating from the 3 rd or 4 th century to the 10 th century
The Important Uncials The most important are the oldest The most important are the oldest –About 50 papyri date to 2 nd – 4 th Century The oldest Vellum manuscripts are complete or almost complete copies of the NT and have practically all of the OT as well The oldest Vellum manuscripts are complete or almost complete copies of the NT and have practically all of the OT as well –These old copies are three in number Vatican, Sinaitic, Alexandrian Vatican, Sinaitic, Alexandrian –They date back to 300 – 450 A.D. –These are the oldest Bibles in the world
Vatican Manuscript Fourth century Fourth century Acknowledged as being the most important witness on the text of the NT Acknowledged as being the most important witness on the text of the NT –Located in the Vatican library in Rome –Been there since 1481, listed in the catalog but may have been there since : a correspondent of Erasmus sent him a select set of readings 1533: a correspondent of Erasmus sent him a select set of readings 1669: Bartolocci makes a collation of the various readings, not published until : Bartolocci makes a collation of the various readings, not published until and 1780: imperfect collations made 1720 and 1780: imperfect collations made Napoleon carried it to Paris after conquering Rome: stayed there until 1815 when it was returned Napoleon carried it to Paris after conquering Rome: stayed there until 1815 when it was returned While in Paris studied by Hug and its importance and age verified While in Paris studied by Hug and its importance and age verified 1843: Constantin Tischendorf allowed to see it for 6 hours 1843: Constantin Tischendorf allowed to see it for 6 hours 1844: De Muralt allowed 9 hours 1844: De Muralt allowed 9 hours 1845: Tregelles allowed to see it but not copy anything 1845: Tregelles allowed to see it but not copy anything 1857 and 1859 Cardinal Mai published deeply flawed editions 1857 and 1859 Cardinal Mai published deeply flawed editions 1866: Tischendorf allowed six days study of three hours each and copied twenty pages without authorization 1866: Tischendorf allowed six days study of three hours each and copied twenty pages without authorization 1867: Tischendorf able to publish a very accurate edition 1867: Tischendorf able to publish a very accurate edition Roman editions appeared Roman editions appeared finally a definitive photographic facsimile of the entire manuscript finally a definitive photographic facsimile of the entire manuscript
Vatican Manuscripts The manuscript contains in Greek almost all of the OT and NT The manuscript contains in Greek almost all of the OT and NT –The beginning is lost through Gen 46:28 –Psalms is lost –Heb 9:14 through Tim, Titus, and Rev The order follows typical Greek The order follows typical Greek It is a bound Codex on Vellum (759) It is a bound Codex on Vellum (759) Originally in beautiful writing Originally in beautiful writing –Later copied over by another scribe due to fading ink but they messed it up (after 1600 years most of the original ink has not faded) Earliest of the great Uncials Earliest of the great Uncials Printed Greek NT today relies heavily on the Vatican Codex Printed Greek NT today relies heavily on the Vatican Codex The Vatican Codex does not have Mark 16:9-20 but there is a space where it should be The Vatican Codex does not have Mark 16:9-20 but there is a space where it should be
The Sinaitic Manuscript Almost equally important as the Vatican Almost equally important as the Vatican Discovered by Constantin Tischendorf Discovered by Constantin Tischendorf –Great textual critic Found at St. Catherine’s Monastery on Mt. Sinai Found at St. Catherine’s Monastery on Mt. Sinai –The story of this manuscript deserves its own complete discussion later
The Alexandrian Manuscript 3 rd in rank among the great Vellum Uncials is the Alexandrian 3 rd in rank among the great Vellum Uncials is the Alexandrian Called the Alexandrian because it resided there for several centuries Called the Alexandrian because it resided there for several centuries Brought from Alexandria to Constantinople by Cyril Lucar; who in 1621 became the Greek Patriarch of Constantinople Brought from Alexandria to Constantinople by Cyril Lucar; who in 1621 became the Greek Patriarch of Constantinople –Cyril gave the Codex to Sir Thomas Roe as a gift to king James I of England –James I died before it got there so it was presented to king Charles I on New Year’s Eve In 1731 it survived the fire at the Royal Library In 1731 it survived the fire at the Royal Library –Dr. Richard Bentley ran in to the fire in his nightgown and wig and carried the volumes out under his arm
The Alexandrian Manuscript King George II donated the Royal Library to the British Museum King George II donated the Royal Library to the British Museum The manuscript is in the museum today in four volumes bearing the crest of Charles I and it contains both OT and NT The manuscript is in the museum today in four volumes bearing the crest of Charles I and it contains both OT and NT At the end are appended 1 Clement and a part of 2 Clement At the end are appended 1 Clement and a part of 2 Clement –1 Clement presumably written by Clement of Rome about AD 95 –2 Clement is a sermon from the mid-second century In the early Church in Egypt 1 Clement may have had canonical or semi-canonical status In the early Church in Egypt 1 Clement may have had canonical or semi-canonical status Of all the NT manuscripts the Alexandrian is the only Greek to include Clement Of all the NT manuscripts the Alexandrian is the only Greek to include Clement
The Alexandrian Manuscript Vellum 773 leaves Vellum 773 leaves –Ten leaves missing from OT –NT has more loss Noticeably different from other Uncials Noticeably different from other Uncials –Heavier handwriting –Letters finished off with added touches (serifs) –Enlarged letters to mark paragraphs –Red ink used for the first line of each book –These features date it in the 5 th century –Quality of the text varies because it was complied from various individual copies of books –Text in Acts, Epistles, and Revelation is good but not so good in Gospels (later style of writing) –Some technical distinctions –Alexandrian was the first of the three great Uncials to come to light
Discussion What is a manuscript? What is a manuscript? –Any handwritten copy of scripture What ways can we date them? What ways can we date them? –Writing style, syntax, form of letters etc. Differentiate between Uncial and Minuscules? Differentiate between Uncial and Minuscules? –Uncials = large capital letters and no punctuation while Minuscules used cursive writing and some adornments Which is the most important group for NT text? Which is the most important group for NT text? –Minuscules What are the names of the three great Vellum Uncials? What are the names of the three great Vellum Uncials? –Vatican, Siniatic, Alexandrian Where is each today? Where is each today? –Vatican, England, British Museum What are some features of the Alexandrian Codex? What are some features of the Alexandrian Codex? –Fifth century, heavier handwriting, punctuation, colored ink for first line of each book, enlarged letters to mark paragraphs, quality of the text varies