Warfare and Society in Ancient Greece Lecture 5 The birth of the hoplite I
2 Mediterranean trade routes
The Spartan constitution (rhetra)
Dark-age armour
6 (Pre)-hoplite armour from Argos (ca. 725)
10 Conrinthian helmet, first half VII cent. B.C.
11 Conrinthian helmet, second half VII cent. B.C.
12 Double-grip shield
13 Double-grip shield
14 Tower shield with single grip
15 Earliest hoplite scene: McMillan aryballos (mid-VII cent.)
16 Earliest hoplite scene: McMillan aryballos (mid-VII cent.)
17 Earliest hoplite scene: McMillan aryballos (mid-VII cent.)
18 The Chigi vase
19 The Chigi vase
20 Hoplite statuettes from Sparta
21 Hoplite statuettes from Sparta
22 Sparta, Menelaion
23 Carving plaques on ivory bones from the sanctuary of Artemis Orthia (late VII cent.)
Mycenaean and hoplite swords
Louvre E 876
Mycenaean and hoplite swords Louvre E 876
Sixth-century hoplite procession