Reaching for the Stars: Building State Systems for School Readiness
Lead Presenter Terry Tolan, Executive Director Kentucky Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Co- Presenter Joe Roberts, Director Kentucky Head Start Collaboration Office
The BIG Question... If you could have ONE thing to improve Early Childhood Education in your State, what would it be?
Importance to Children Young minds develop at the earliest stage of life 0-5 Years 5 and older Language Sensory Pathways (Vision, Hearing) Higher Cognitive Functions Pre-natal 85% of brain development occurs before age 5 Source: C.A. Nelson from Neurons to Neighborhoods, 2000
Importance to Children Young minds develop at the earliest stage of life Each score standardized within observed sample, Using all observations and assuming missing at random. Source: Brook-Gunn et al (2006) Mean Achievement Test Scores By age By Maternal Education Level College Graduate Some College Less than HS High School Grad High School Grad
Importance to Children Young minds develop at the earliest stage of life Cumulative Vocabulary (Words) mo24mo36mo Age (months) College Educated Parents Working Class Parents Source: Hart & Risley (1995) Welfare Parents
US Department of Education Administration for Children and Families Race To The Top/Early Learning Challenge Integrated state systems Cross Sector tiered quality and improvement system including child care, head start, and public preschool Integrated professional development Meaningful family engagement Use of assessments to measure child progress Integrated longitudinal data system
Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge Phase One Winners
Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge Phase One Winners
Race to the Top – Early Learning Challenge Phase One Winners
State Alignment All Sectors Moving in the Same Direction School Readiness Head Start Early Head Start State Funded Pre-Kindergarten Community Based Child Care & Home Care
Kindergarten Readiness Screener TQRIS Parent Engagement Professional Development P-20 Data Collaborative Early Learning Standards & Assessments Improve School Readiness Elements of the State System
Our Business Model Early Childhood Advisory Council (ECAC) Children Enter Kindergarten Ready High Quality Early Learning Environments Supportive Families Access to Data Participation in STARS A great early childhood workforce Families understand child health and developmental needs Common Kindergarten Entry Screener Scholarships & PD Plans Families are engaged Children have access to appropriate services Data is shared by early childhood programs
Ready to Grow…Ready to Learn…Ready to Succeed The five developmental areas for school readiness are: Approaches to learning Social and emotional development Health and physical well being Cognitive and general knowledge Language and communication development In Kentucky School Readiness is...
BRIGANCE® Kindergarten Screener will be used by all Kindergarten programs 109 districts implemented the screen in 2012 voluntarily Participation will be required beginning in the 2013 school year 704 KAR 5:070 provides guidance in the administration and use of data Administered within 15 calendar days before the first instructional day and no later than the thirtieth instructional day Common Kindergarten Entry Screener
Universal Screener Screener results – composite screener score – results in each domain – participation rate and number screened – county score and state score – scores by target population Prior settings and dosage where available System of Care – STARS-rated centers, – HANDS, First Steps, Pre-K – Program quality, scholarships and credentials Demographics Health - low birth weight rates, poverty General Information Contact information for local CECC
Community Early Childhood Councils (CECCs) … a vehicle for bringing together many community members to support issues of importance to children and families. … addresses the unique needs and strengths of local communities related to early childhood.
Priority #1: School Readiness Changing the community conversation COMMON VISION Every Kentucky child will enter school ready to succeed. Every parent will know what school readiness looks like and what they can do with their child to assure their success Every community will understand that it takes all of us to get this work done.
Kindergarten Readiness Screener TQRIS Parent Engagement Professional Development P-20 Data Collaborative Early Learning Standards & Assessments Improve School Readiness Elements of the State System Community Engagement Assessment Data Systems STARS for Kids Now Professional Development Community Collaboration
You Make the Difference! Governor’s Office of Early Childhood 125 Holmes St. Frankfort, KY Thank You!