Principles of Transportation
Transportation: The movement of people and things over distances long and short A A B B 3 Feet 30 Yards A B 300 Miles
Etymology Trans: A Latin word meaning to carry Port: A French word meaning across Transport: To carry across
Discussion: Today transportation is a multi-modal system of moving people and things over distances long and short. How do you think transportation began and how did it evolve into the complex system we use today?
The origin and evolution of transportation: Transportation can be traced to our prehistoric roots and evolved into the complex system we use today. 5 million BC. primitive Hominid species used transportation to fill their most basic need for water and food. Transportation consisted of CRAWLING, BALANCING, WALKING, RUNNING, JUMPING, CLIMBING & SWIMMING
For more that 4.5 million years from 5 million to 350,000 BC. transportation consisted of: CRAWLING, BALANCING, WALKING, RUNNING, JUMPING, CLIMBING & SWIMMING 5 Million BC.350,000 BC.250,000 BC.10,000 BC.
Note: These primates lived outdoors. These primates lived outdoors. They consumed water and food where it was discovered. They consumed water and food where it was discovered. They did not need to transport things great distances. This is why they relied on their feet for nearly 4.5 million years. They did not need to transport things great distances. This is why they relied on their feet for nearly 4.5 million years. 5 Million BC.350,000 BC.250,000 BC.10,000 BC.
Limitations: In the earliest days transportation had two major limitations 1.How far primates could crawl, walk, run, jump, climb and swim in one day. (approximately 20 miles or the distance from Stafford to Rosenberg) 2.What primates could carry on our backs. (About 30 lbs. or the weight of a toddler) Stafford Rosenberg
5 Million BC.350,000 BC.250,000 BC.10,000 BC. Limitations Continued: Between 350,000 & 250,000 BC. the Hominid species began to evolve into what we think of as Homo erectus. Realizing its limitations Homo erectus sought ways to overcome them by using basic hand tools making primitive containers out of animal skins, bones and shells.
5 Million BC.350,000 BC.250,000 BC.10,000 BC. Overcoming Limitations: Primitive containers to transport hard to carry things over greater distances.
5 Million BC.350,000 BC.250,000 BC.10,000 BC. NOTE: Homo erectus still lived outdoors and was nomadic moving almost daily. Homo erectus still lived outdoors and was nomadic moving almost daily. Was self aware and aware of its tribal or family needs for food and water, containers made it easier to transport them within their limitations. Was self aware and aware of its tribal or family needs for food and water, containers made it easier to transport them within their limitations. Used fire when available. Used fire when available. Eats meat when available. Eats meat when available.
5 Million BC.350,000 BC.250,000 BC.10,000 BC. Homo Sapiens or Primitive Man: Homo sapiens emerge approximately 250,000 BC. and continue to evolve for the next 240,000 years. Homo sapiens emerge approximately 250,000 BC. and continue to evolve for the next 240,000 years. They are still nomadic but only move with the seasons or when resources become scarce. They are still nomadic but only move with the seasons or when resources become scarce. Shelter in caves. Shelter in caves. Make fire, eat cooked meat, and transport resources over greater distances in larger quantities. Make fire, eat cooked meat, and transport resources over greater distances in larger quantities.
How Homo Sapiens Dealt With Transportation Limitations: Homo sapiens could carry more weight over greater distances but were still severely limited. Because of these transportation limitations people had to live in areas centrally located to sources of their most basic needs. (food, water, shelter and fire)
Problem: We know that in the earliest days of transportation people could only travel about 20 miles a day. We also know that people live in family groups as part of a larger community or tribe. Because people live in communities and tribes they tend to shelter in a place that is centrally located to their other most basic needs of food, water and fire. Since people tend to shelter in one place for extended periods of time and they can only travel on foot about 20 miles a day what is the actual area in square miles that people were confined to in the earliest days of transportation? 5 Million BC.350,000 BC.250,000 BC.10,000 BC.
Problem: Because wild game has the ability to move around it is a variable. Because wild game has the ability to move around it is a variable. Because people could only travel by foot approximately 20 miles distance can be used as a constant. Because people could only travel by foot approximately 20 miles distance can be used as a constant. Because people lived central to their needs they would travel up 20 miles a day in any direction to fill those needs. Because people lived central to their needs they would travel up 20 miles a day in any direction to fill those needs.
Solving The Problem: X = ___ miles
20 miles Solving The Problem:
A New Problem Emerges: Because the area they gathered resources from was so large tribal territories began to overlap creating competition for resources between neighboring tribes. As a result tribes fought to the death for resources. This is a direct result of the transportation limitations of the day. This problem continued for 240,000 when modern modes of transportation made trade or commerce possible.
5 Million BC.350,000 BC.250,000 BC.10,000 BC. 10,000 BC. The Dawn of Civilization, Commerce, and Modern Transportation. Fixed axle and wheel Fixed axle and wheel Domesticated animals beast of burden Domesticated animals beast of burden Boats and water transport Boats and water transport Modern tools and simple machines Modern tools and simple machines Modern containers. Modern containers.