Status RiS Portal Launched May 19, 2014 Sept. 19: Guarantee period for 1 year + development 9 fix releases already: Measures to meet certain security standards Improved tools for all administrators (incl. stations and KB) Better application documents to the Governor Improvements wanted (needs financing): Lists of bookings and personnel - stations Metadata – get it up and running as before Increased map functionality Open for communication with other services (metadatabases, publication databases, map services etc.) Improved search and statistics Design issues Information migration – collecting parts that dropped out Booking in Hornsund?
Status: SIOS 5 th and final General Assembly in Brussels 24-25/9: The SIOS project should continue, through an interim phase of up to three years with a set-up team in Longyearbyen, towards a fully functional operational phase (2017-). Use the implementation plans to build the services under the SIOS Knowledge Centre. SIOS-PP ended formally on 30/9. Norw. host proposal for setting up SIOS KC in Longyearbyen SIOS partners are invited to commit to the implementation phase ( ), by submitting Letters of Commitment to the coordinator: It, Ger, Fin, Jpn 4 th Policy Board meeting in Oslo 20-21/11 – SIOS “Kick off”? Sufficient LOCs to start the implementation phase by this meeting. It is expected that Norway will organise interim solutions for the implementation with the establishment of a SIOS Knowledge Centre Setup Team, interim governing bodies etc., and will during the implementation phase (at earliest 2015) formally establish SIOS as a new MoU-based organisation supported by a Norwegian AS, if sufficient commitments and progress is made. Norway will organise interim solutions for the implementation with the establishment of a SIOS Knowledge Centre Setup Team, interim governing bodies etc., and will at earliest during 2015 formally establish SIOS as a new organisation (Norwegian AS) based on a MoU agreement among the partners, if sufficient commitments and progress is made.
SIOS deliverables All deliverables promised with 2000 pages of reports will be submitted to EU and made available on the SIOS website. The deliverables that are handed over to the Stakeholders are: Proposal for legal and governance structure for the SIOS Knowledge Centre (Statutes, Policy docs., MoU) Implementation plans for the services delivered by the SIOS Knowledge Centre (Data, Access, Logistics, Remote Sensing, Training, Portal). Business plan for the Implementation (Letter of Commitments) and Operational phase (Financial Strategy with membership fees).