Washoe County School District Indian Education Program Jillian Fillmore, Indian Education Stacey Burns, Paiute Language Instructor Lynsie Dunn, Equity & Diversity
Equity & Diversity Department Title VII – Indian Education Mission Statements Equity & Diversity Department MISSION Equity and Diversity will promote, develop and support equitable practices and policies for a safe and inclusive school community system; additionally, we will provide assurance of access, representation and meaningful participation for all. Title VII – Indian Education MISSION The Indian Education Program is to meet the unique academic and cultural needs of American Indian and Alaska Native students in the Washoe County School District by offering supplemental programs and services in compliance with the federally-funded Title VII grant. VISION To eliminate barriers to success and culturally enhance the lives of all American Indian and Alaskan Native Students.
Kahoot! Kahoot.it http://getkahoot.com/ Pin: 324793
The Great Basin Precipitation – evaporates or sinks underground or flows into lakes Landscape – mountain ranges and basins (north-south) Desert – defined by the animals and plants. Plants: dominate sagebrush in valleys and changes with elevation. Climate – hot, dry summers and snowy winters
Approximately 9,400 Years Ago Earliest documented existence of people in the Great Basin area Unsharpened end represents the earliest existence in humans and the tip of the eraser is the present.
“The People” of Nevada “Newe” -Western Shoshones “Numu” or “Numa” – Northern Paiutes “Nuwuvi” – Southern Paiutes “Wa-She-Shu” – Washoes Nevada become the 36th state on October 31, 1864
Local Great Basin Tribes (27) Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Nixon Wadsworth Reno-Sparks Indian Colony (Washoe, Paiute, & Shoshone) Reno-Sparks Hungry Valley Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California Carson Colony Stewart Dresslerville Woodfords Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Walker River Yerington Yomba Lovelock Duck Water Duck Valley Ely Summit Lake Ft. McDermit Elko
WCSD Title VII - Indian Education Funded by Title VII formula grant from the Office of Indian Education, US Department of Education Funding based on the number of students who have completed a Student Eligibility Certification (506) Form: Personal or family history of tribal enrollment in a Tribe, Band or Group: Federally recognized State recognized Terminated A member of an organization Indian group that received a grant under the Indian Education Act of 1988 Programming is determined in partnership with the Indian Education Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
WCSD Title VII - Indian Education Paiute Language Classes: Spanish Springs HS North Valleys HS Reed HS Summer School/Supplemental Credit Fee Payments ACT/SAT/AP Fee Payments Contracts to support student achievement and cultural growth Advisement Services: Reno-Sparks Indian Colony Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Nevada Urban Indians, Inc.
Local Tribal Resources Reno-Sparks Indian Colony Address: 98 Colony Road, Reno, NV 89502 Phone Number: (775) 329-2936 Website: www.rsic.org Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Address: 208 Capital Hill, Nixon, NV 89424 Phone Number: (775) 574-1000 Website: http://plpt.nsn.us/ Nevada Urban Indians, Inc. (non-profit organization) Address: 745 W. Moana Lane, Ste. 375 Phone Number: (775) 788-7600 Website: www.nevadaurbanindians.org
Story Board Primary: Coyote and Mouse Secondary: Stone Mother https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGtx1Ee4gA Secondary: Stone Mother https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4qZoqhki8s
Closing Thank you all for listening and learning about our people of the Great Basin “Poonedooa” “Abi shy” “Miligigabagi”