Ontario College Application Information November 26 th, 2009.


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Plan The “Plan” section helps you prepare for your college education. Here you will find information about the individual colleges, a map of their campus locations, a summary of program types, and a section designed to assist and inform your parents. A campus tour is the best way to get a ‘vibe’ for which college is best for you. To find an open house go to: ontariocolleges.ca/visit

Find a Program The “Find” section is designed so you can search through over 2,600 programs offered by Ontario’s 28 publicly-funded colleges. You can compare different programs, sort your search results and save programs to a Wishlist until you are ready to apply. Fill up your Wishlist first. Then when you go to apply, those choices will be waiting for you to pick from.

Areas of Study ☑ Agriculture, Animal, and Related Practices ☑ Arts & Culture ☑ Business, Finance & Administration ☑ Computers & Telecommunications ☑ Culinary, Hospitality, Recreation & Tourism ☑ Education, Community & Social Services ☑ Energy, Environmental & Natural Resources ☑ Engineering & Technology ☑ Fire, Justice & Security ☑ Health & Medical ☑ Media ☑ Professions & Trades ☑ Transportation & Logistics

Program Types ☑ Certificates ☑ Diplomas ☑ Bachelor’s Degrees ☑ Co-op Placements ☑ Apprenticeships ☑ Graduate Certificates

Program Types – Certificates In preparation of…. ☑ College Preparatory / University Preparatory ☑ Fundamental Programs (e.g.: Arts & Fundamentals, ☑ Preparatory Programs (e.g.: Pre-Health, Pre- Trades, Pre-Business, Pre-Science, Pre- Technology, Pre-Media, Pre-Community, etc…) ☑ English ☑ Military Arts

College Calendars ☑ Residence and housing ☑ Financial aid, scholarships, bursaries ☑ Contact information for specific programs ☑ Career paths for graduates of specific programs ☑ Courses taken in each year of study in a particular program ☑ Prerequisites and admission criteria for each program

Do Your Research! ☑ ontariocolleges.ca ☑ College catalogues and calendars ☑ Campus visits ☑ Guidance Counsellor ☑ Ontario College Guide (see your Guidance Counsellor)

Ontario Education Number (OEN) ☑ A nine digit number ☑ Unique to you ☑ Found on the top line of your report card ☑ Found on the top right hand corner of your status sheet ☑ Ask in Guidance during your lunch, or before or after school

Before You Get Started ☑ Know the program codes for the program to which you are applying ☑ Have a valid account ☑ Know your SIN # (or apply now) ☑ Think of a unique username (your account works best) and password ☑ Know your Ontario Education Number (OEN) ☑ Have a credit card number, including expiry date, if you plan to pay online

Apply The “Apply” section is the area of our website where you will complete and submit your college application. Hint: Check out the Applicant Info section and print off a checklist. Be sure to have a credit card ready when you apply...

New users need to “Sign Up” and create an account. (Be sure to have a valid address.)

Fill out all required fields, please. Click here to add your address.

You can use your address as your Username to keep it simple.

Did you get an like this? If not, check your spam or junk folder

After creating your account, Sign In (login) to start your application Click here if you forget your Username or Password

Enter your address and click on Submit. Forgot Password: Step 1

Pick one (#3 may be the easiest). Forgot Password: Step 2

Enter your Username. (You may have used your address). Forgot Password: Step 3

One last step…the security question. Forgot Password: Last Step

Did you get an like this? If not, check your spam or junk folder

Click here to apply to college. Make changes to your account here.

Pick the date that you would like to attend college For program(s) with start dates between August 2010 and July 2011 Including Sept 2010, Jan 2011 and May 2011

Click “Apply to College” Your Application Number : Your Account Number : Click here to continue.

Parents need access? If so, click “Yes” Application #:

Have taken or will be taking high school courses in Canada between September 1, 2009 and August 31, 2010 Click “Yes” if you are planning to graduate. Application #:

Have taken or will be taking high school courses in Canada between September 1, 2009 Application #:

Have taken or will be taking high school courses in Canada between September 1, 2009 and August 31, 2010 Select your high school from the drop down list

Obtain your OEN from your counselor Application #: ARROWSMITH SCHOOL Have taken or will be taking high school courses in Canada between September 1, 2009 and August 31, 2010

Select choice number to add a program Application #:

Select a program from your Wishlist. Forget to add a program to your Wishlist? No problem, start a new search here.

Save your choices before you move on. Application #:

SCROLL DOWN to add your volunteer or work experience. Application #:

Payment Have your credit card info ready Click here to pay the application fee Application #:

Select your card type, enter info and click Continue. Application #:

CREDIT CARD Payment Receipt Your Payment has been Approved. Print this receipt for record. If this does not say “approved” try your payment again. :

Did you get an like this? If not, check your spam or junk folder Application #:

Confirm The “Confirm” section is where you can find information about accepting an offer, how to finance your education and of course, view, accept and confirm your offer of admission to college. You may receive more than one offer, but you can only accept one offer at a time. You can change your acceptance by logging back into your account.* *Only one acceptance or change can be made per day.

View, accept and confirm offers here.

Select the right dates For program(s) with start dates between August 2010 and July 2011 Including Sept 2010, Jan 2011 and May 2011

Pick the offer that you would like to accept

Confirm that this is the offer that you would like to accept. Application #:

You are all set. The college will contact you with the next steps for registration

Did you get an like this? If not, check your spam or junk folder Application #:

Need Help? Simply type your question into the box and hit “Ask us”

FAQ’s To see the Top 10 online questions, hit the link from our footer.

Question: What do I need to apply to college? Answer: 30 minutes, a computer, internet connection, a credit card and your grades…your guidance department will send us your current year courses and transcript. You also need a desire for learning and for getting a great job!!! Frequently asked questions…

Question: How can I be accepted to college if I’m still finishing high school? Answer: The colleges will consider your admission using 1st semester final marks and 2 nd semester mid-term marks. The colleges may also look at your Grade 11 marks. You may receive an offer conditional upon the successful completion of your OSSD. If you get a conditional offer, keep working hard towards your final marks!!! Frequently asked questions…

Question: Are there any important dates to keep in mind? Answer: February 1, 2010 All applications received by this date will be given equal consideration by the colleges. This is also the earliest date the colleges will issue an offer of acceptance and the earliest date an applicant may confirm an offer. May 3, 2010 Applicants must confirm their acceptance of an offer of admission by this date. (Note: Offers may be issued after this date, check your offer letter for details.) June 15, 2010 Earliest date colleges may require tuition. You may want to print off a checklist to help you. Go to: ontariocolleges.ca/apply Frequently asked questions…

Question: What do I do about my transcripts? Answer: Students currently enrolled in high school please advise your guidance office that you will be applying to college. Your guidance department will send us your grades. You do NOT have to send us a paper transcripts. Talk to guidance… Frequently asked questions…

Question: Will the colleges confirm that they have received my application? Answer: After December 1st, you may receive a verification from the colleges you have applied to. If you do not receive an application verification, please contact the colleges directly. The colleges will not contact you before November 30, Frequently asked questions…

Question: What if I need help with my application? Answer: We can help you through one of the following means… Ask us | Chat | | Call Before you call, try the “Ask us” service … you may find your answer there!!! Frequently asked questions…

August 2007 to July 2008 This screen is “read only”. You should check your grades each time they are updated.

Download Dates ☑ November 21 th, 2009 ☑ February 13 th, 2010 ☑ April 24 th, 2010 ☑ July 3 rd, 2010 ☑ August 28 th, 2010

Dates to Remember! ☑ December 18 th, 2009 NPSS Recommended deadline for applications ☑ February 1 st, 2010 Equal Consideration Date (all applications received at OCAS by this date will be considered equally by the colleges) ☑ May 3rd, 2010 By this date, applicants must confirm their acceptance of an offer of admission ☑ June 15th, 2010 Earliest date that the colleges can require payment of tuition fees

My Ontario Education Number (OEN) __ __ __ __ __ ____ __ __ My Username: _______________________ My Password: _______________________ OCAS Application Number __ __ -__ __ __-__ __ __ __ Account Number __ __ __ __ __ __

This Ontario Colleges Application Information session presentation is available on our school’s website at northparkvikings.ca

Thank you …and good luck.