Welcome to the MPSJ University/College on-line application presentation!!!
What must I do to prepare before applying to University or College??? Research – attend the university/college fair, use the internet, read university/college catalogues, read your INFO booklets… University/College reps – representatives from the various post-secondary institutions visit our schools during lunch periods to present and answer questions about their programs to interested students. Attend a few!!! On-Campus Tours – make time to visit univ./ college(s) you are interested in to see if they meet your expectations. Guidance appointment – visit your guidance counsellor…he/she will gladly help you make a good decision…
What will I need to complete my university application? Your high school diploma completed by June 30 th At least 6 grade 12 univ. or univ./ college credits including the program prerequisites. The appropriate grade average for the univ. program that you are choosing. A credit card for payment. A social insurance card. Your OUAC PIN# available in Guidance.
$$What is the Cost ???$$ Base Application Fee $100 For initial three university/program choices Additional Choice Fee $33 Note: You may choose a maximum of three programs at any one university (including affiliates). However, specific universities may further limit the number of choices you may select at that institution. Find out! Fee for non-negotiable cheques (nsf cheques)...$25
Where do I apply??? Apply on line …the web address is…
ONTARIO SECONDARY SCHOOL DIPLOMA Michael Power/St. Joseph High School 30 credits total, including 4 English (Grade 9, 10, 11, 12) 3 Mathematics (1 Senior) 2 Science 1 French 1 Canadian History 1 Canadian Geography 1 Arts (Music, Art, Drama) 1 Health and Physical Education 1 Civics and Career Studies 1 additional credit in English or a third language or a Social Science or Canadian and World Studies 1 additional credit in Health and Physical Education or the Arts or Business Studies 1 additional credit in Science (Grade 11 or 12) or Technological Education 4 Religious Studies 8 Optional Credits Community Involvement Activities 40 hours Secondary School Literacy Diploma Requirement (Grade 10) Pass A credit is granted in recognition of the successful completion of a course that has been scheduled for a minimum of 110 hours.
University Application Schedule of Dates October INFO magazine distributed to all potential university applicants by Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC) November Workshop, Applying to University On-line, for grade 12 students. Students and their parents apply to universities on-line, coached and supported by their guidance counsellors. PIN # issued to each grade 12 student so they will be able to apply on-line from home, school or December 18 th Recommended deadline for completed on-line university and college application(s).
University Application Schedule of Dates January 11, 2006 This is the deadline for Ontario secondary school students to submit on-line applications to the OUAC. (Applications received after this date will still be processed by the OUAC and distributed to the universities. However specific institutional deadlines will apply.) The original application procedure will include the collection of all final grades previously completed grade 11 and 12 courses and a list of all current-year courses in progress. February 7, 2006 RECOMMENDED last date for students to submit all information to the OUAC, including university and program changes, as well as additional active choices, to be eligible for consideration for early admission. This is not a deadline date. Changes will be accepted and processed by the OUAC at any time. March 2006 All final grades for first-semester grade 12 U or M courses submitted to OUAC. April 2006 Midterm grades for second-semester courses submitted.
University Application Schedule of Dates May 12, 2006 This is the earliest date by which Ontario universities may require a response to an offer of admission from an Ontario secondary school student. All other admissions related elements including scholarships, other forms of student assistance or financial incentives, and offers of residence are considered part of the offer of admission. Therefore the student may accept these other offers prior to June 12, 2006, but Ontario universities shall not compel a student in any way to make an earlier decision. June 2, 2006 This is the latest date by which all secondary school applicants shall expect a response from an Ontario university. Such a response will be one of: 1) an offer of admission, 2) a refusal, or 3) a deferral pending the receipt of specific additional information. June 12, 2006 This is the earliest date that any Ontario university may require a financial commitment (ie. registration deposit, residence deposit, etc.) of any kind. July 2006 Final grades for current semester courses from MPSJ secondary school submitted.
Scholarships There are three types of scholarships: 1.Entrance scholarships. 2.Student initiated scholarships and bursaries. 3.Nominated scholarships.
Do I qualify for a Scholarship? Find out by registering at … and don’t forget to visit Guidance on our school website…
Should I apply to College? Yes, it doesn’t hurt to have a backup plan. Did you know that many college programs offer transfers to universities? Did you know that you can earn a degree from some colleges? The cost is only $85 for 5 choices.
How do I apply to a college? Go on-line to and apply today!!! NO PIN # required!!!