1 Strategy and Success IDIS 424 Spring 2004
2 What Is Success?
3 Examples Of Success Madonna General Giap and the North Vietnamese armed forces
4 Neither Madonna nor General Giap had superior resources. How did they achieve success?
5 The Role Of Strategy In Success Goals that are simple, consistent, and long-term Profound understanding of the competitive environment Objective appraisal of resources Effective implementation
6 Elements Of Success Goals Madonna Single-minded quest for stardom & world-wide renown Giap Reunify Vietnam under communist rule
7 Elements Of Success Understanding the Environment Madonna Detects emerging trends in popular culture. Giap Intimate knowledge of terrain. Recognized U.S. political weakness
8 Elements Of Success Resource Appraisal Madonna Recognized limited raw talent. Relied on PR and networking. Giap Recognized economic & military weaknesses. Aware of political strengths.
9 Elements Of Success Implementation Madonna Committed to hard work. Attention to detail. Control. Giap Tight control. Long-term commitment. Effective propaganda. Inspirational leader.
10 SUCCESSFUL INDIVIDUALS SHARE THE FOLLOWING IN PURSUIT OF THEIR ENDEAVORS They have clear, long-term career objectives They know their environment They know themselves well They pursue their careers with commitment, consistency, and determination
11 Development of Business Strategy Antecedents based upon military strategies which extend the principles of: Julius Caesar Alexander the Great Sun Tsu Von Clausewitz Note differences between a strategy and a tactic
12 Strategy -- An overall plan for deploying resources Tactic -- A scheme for a specific action
13 Strategic Decisions Important Involve significant commitment or resources Not easily reversible
14 Strategy Making: Design or Process ? Strategy as DesignStrategy as Process Planning and Rational choice Many decision makers responding to multitude of external and internal forces Mintzberg’s Critique of Formal Strategic Planning: The fallacy of prediction – the future is unknown The fallacy of detachment – impossible to divorce formulation from implementation The fallacy of formalization – inhibits flexibility, spontaneity, intuition and learning REALIZED STRATEGY INTENDED STRATEGY EMERGENT STRATEGY
15 Long-term, simple and agreed objectives Profound understanding of the competitive environment Objective appraisal of resources EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION Successful Strategy Common Elements in Successful Strategy