8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 1 CITY REGENERATION POLICIES AND PRACTICES. CASE STUDY: SKOPJE The Creative City: Crossing Visions and New Realities in the Region 8-14 May 2006, IUC, Dubrovnik
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 2 “Planners and policy makers have regarded culture simply as a resource to be exploited, rather than a critical and creative force that questions ways of thinking and working and [which] could inspire a fresh approach to urban planning and policy” (Franco Bianchini). “A culture of creativity needs to be included into policy- making at a city level which facilitates cooperation between artists and architects planners and the public, for without a cultural dimension can a city be revitalised?” (ibid). Introduction
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 3 Skopje: The political, economic and social image of the city Political image: Pluralism, Multicultural City, divided into ten (10) municipalities Economy: approximately 36% of the Macedonian private sector and industry are located in Skopje Demography: 66,75% Macedonian, 20,95 Albanians, 4,63% Roma, 2,82% Serbs, 1,7% Turks, and the rest of Vlachs, Bosnian and others
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 4 Skopje: The political, economic and social image of the city
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 5 Mapping the sectors in the cultural arena in Skopje PUBLIC SECTOR National Cultural Policy- Priorities: Decentralisation Balanced support for the cultural heritage and the new developments in the contemporary society; Improvement of the management in the culture; Affirmation of the cultural identities of the minorities; Cooperation with the non-governmental sector; International cooperation and cooperation with the neighbouring countries;
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 6 Local Cultural Policy- Skopje Instrument: Programme for the Cultural Activities of the City of Skopje To secure an active position of the City of Skopje towards meeting the needs and interests of the citizens in culture area; Preservation and affirmation of both the material and spiritual cultural heritage of the City of Skopje; Preservation and affirmation of the cultural identity of the City of Skopje; Creation of conditions for quality cultural life, in compliance with the Statute of the City of Skopje as the capital of the Republic of Macedonia and a separate local self-government unit; Mapping the sectors in the cultural arena in Skopje PUBLIC SECTOR
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 7 Promotion and support of new ideas and projects that affirm the City of Skopje as a developed cultural centre with European characteristics and with recognizable character; Presentation and affirmation of the creators, interpreters and the institutions from the cultural sphere, both in the country and abroad; Intensification and enrichment of the international cultural cooperation. Mapping the sectors in the cultural arena in Skopje PUBLIC SECTOR
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 8 Local Cultural Policy- Skopje: Financing The funds invested (%) in Culture from the budget of the City of Skopje for the period The total amount of the planned budget for the City of Skopje for 2006 is 22 million Euros Mapping the sectors in the cultural arena in Skopje PUBLIC SECTOR (planned)1.78
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 9 Mapping the cultural scene in Skopje National cultural institutions (24) Local cultural institutions (8) Independent cultural non governmental and not for profit organizations (approx. 20) Private companies (approx. 40)
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 10 Mapping the cultural scene in Skopje Macedonian National Theater
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 11 Mapping the cultural scene in Skopje Museum of The City of Skopje
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 12 Mapping the cultural scene in Skopje Skopje Jazz Festival
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 13 Performing Arts Libraries Cinemas and cinematographic activities Museums and art galleries Music and stage performance related activities Mapping the cultural scene in Skopje by field
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 14 Outlining the problem areas of the national and local cultural institutions in Skopje The existing infrastructure is in a poor shape; There are weaknesses in the general management of cultural institutions; There is an extremely poor human resource management; There is a general lack of availability and use of the new technologies to an extent that most of the cultural institutions do not have a functioning web page;
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 15 Outlining the problem areas of the national and local cultural institutions in Skopje Isolation – insufficient attention is paid to the networking with other institutions from the country and the region; There is a hardly adequate partnerships with the other two sectors: the private sector and the NGO sector; There is insufficient inclusion of the culture related topics in the regular curricula at schools and universities; The inadequate cultural policy only accentuates all the above;
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 16 Cultural industries – Publishing – Music – Film – Internet – Media ( 12 daily newspapers, 21 weeklies, 10 biweeklies, 21 children magazines, five commercial and three public television channels on national level, 50 television channels on local level, one satellite (public) television channel, one public radio on national level, three commercial radio stations, 29 local public radio stations, 65 local commercial radio stations in Macedonia out of which 18 are located in Skopje) – Advertising Architecture and urban planning Cultural heritage and cultural tourism Mapping the cultural scene in Skopje by field
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 17 The main characteristics of the NGOs that work in the cultural area: NGOs employ well educated personnel and show high degree of professionalism in their work; They are creative generators with new initiatives; They work in compliance with the basic codes for human rights and democracy; They represents centres of excellence especially in the areas of knowledge transfer and know-how; They often have charismatic leaders; Mapping the sectors in the cultural arena in Skopje NGO SECTOR
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 18 They show excellent abilities for fundraising and survival; They organize citizens’ initiatives and foster openness and dialogue; They pursue the application of the new technologies; They show communicativeness on all levels; They show transparency on all levels; They encourage and help mobility; They produce quality cultural products, often achieved in a short period of time and with very small amounts of money; They establish and maintain international communications; They network with regional (the Balkan) and international networks; Mapping the sectors in the cultural arena in Skopje NGO SECTOR
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 19 Problems and weaknesses that characterize the NGOs in the cultural sector in Macedonia, There is a problem with the long-term sustainability of the NGOs; Sponsorship in the culture is still a grey area – there is no new legislations, currently a draft of a new document is a process of a public debate; There are insufficient coalitions and partnerships among the NGOs; There is an absence of quality contacts and cooperation with the business sector; Entrepreneurship as an alternative for self-financing is underdeveloped; There is visible feeling of superiority by NGOs in respect to the other institutions (often the NGOs think that without them the world will collapse). Mapping the sectors in the cultural arena in Skopje NGO SECTOR
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 20 Relationship between the business sector and culture is characterized by the following: Inconsistency of the relationship; Nepotism and political influence; Insufficient communication between these two sectors; Insufficient interest in the cultural activities by the business sector; Insufficient information-sharing between the two sectors; Unresolved questions inside the framework for the proposed (new) Law on Sponsorships in the Culture; Mapping the sectors in the cultural arena in Skopje PRIVATE SECTOR
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 21 Strengthening of the capacities of the existing cultural institutions; Strengthening of the inter-sectoral cooperation on a city level; Creation of an favourable climate for the establishment of partnerships among the public, the private and the NGO sectors; Encouragement of active citizen status and social inclusion of all citizens; Encouragement of the diversification of programmes and cultural activities in the city; Creation of new urban cultural spaces; Improved functioning of the public administration; Creation of conditions for an improved mapping of the culture as an important segment in the general arrangement of the city; Development of cultural industries. Mapping the sectors in the cultural arena in Skopje. New Challenges
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 22 Past achievements and new cultural initiatives in Skopje 1.The PAC Multimedia carried out a project “Civil Initiative in Determination of Possible Strategy on Cultural Development in the Republic of Macedonia” 2.Reconstruction of the medieval Fortress Kale 3.Revitalization of the Centre of Skopje (old bridge, city square) 4.Revitalization of the cultural monuments OLD Skopje Bazaar for the period MALA STANICA- Multimedia Centre 6.Reconstruction of the Old Theatre 7.Construction of the New Concert Hall 8.Digitalization of the Cultural Heritage
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 23 Past achievements and new cultural initiatives in Skopje- PAC MULTIMEDIA INITIATIVES
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 24 Past achievements and new cultural initiatives in Skopje- Revitalization of the Centre of Skopje (old bridge, city square)
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 25 Past achievements and new cultural initiatives in Skopje- Revitalization of the Old Bazaar
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 26 Past achievements and new cultural initiatives in Skopje- Cultural Centre MALA STANICA
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 27 Past achievements and new cultural initiatives in Skopje - Digitalization of the Cultural Heritage
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 28 There is a need for a strategic planning in the culture and especially recognition of the significance of the planning processes; There is a need for the social integration of the artists, the public, the facilities and the decision-makers in a system of equal participation; Decentralisation on many levels should be carried out: from the centre to the periphery, from renown (and secure) cultural facilities towards the new, the alternative, and the old and abandoned ones; The National Strategy for Information Society should favour the digitalisation of the cultural heritage and development of digital libraries as well as the introduction of new technologies in the education, science and culture; Creation of networks (community networks) for the urban regeneration should be one of the priorities; Challenges and objectives for a cultural future
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 29 Development of a public space policy should be initiated; A sound Law for Sponsorships of the Public Activities should be created and adopted; Citizen’s associations on various levels in the local self-government should be encouraged; Social exclusion should be fought at local level; A partnerships for the regeneration of the rural areas should be formed with the local communities; Strengthening of the cultural industries especially the ones connected with the revival of the traditional crafts and old trades, and development of the cultural tourism on a local level should be one of the priorities; The management of the cultural wealth and generally culture must be improved in order to achieve all the above objectives; Challenges and objectives for a cultural future
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 30 The Ministry of Culture needs to prepare a document that will define the long-term objectives for the cultural policy; Changes in the legislation should be made in order to decrease the Minister’s decision-making power; The Ministry needs to initiate and foster the establishment of a market for the cultural products; The use of the cultural centres should be redefined; The Ministry needs to actively lobby at other state sectors as well at the private sector for the protection of the culture and cultural heritage; The financial support given to some of the festivals should be rationalized; The Ministry needs to stimulate the development of the a variety of repertoires in the theatres; Campaigns should be initiated for the increase of the role of the media in culture; Challenges and objectives for a cultural future- Recommendation of the Council of Europe
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 31 At the end, it appears that things do move in the positive direction mainly due to the increase of the joint action by all sectors. Municipal authorities should recognize the role culture plays in economic revitalization and in addressing current multiethnic and multicultural realities, as well as recognize the contribution culture can make to social integration and emancipation. Conclusions
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 32 Any cultural policy created in future should entail supporting more than the “high arts” and local governments should begin to be interested in popular and youth culture and in the cultural industries. Conclusions
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 33 Only through cooperation and understanding between all the players involved and a creation and a development of strategies for cultural industries, that build alliances between business and culture, an effective cultural policy can be created and implemented, a policy that will mean a better cultural future for not only Skopje but also for Macedonia. Conclusions
8-14 May 2006 Dubrovnik The Creative City: Crossing Vision and New Realities in the Region 34 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION