BRANDING Branding (n.) = the image or impression that a company creates for its products, usually through advertising
Collocations of ‘branding’ A branding strategy A branding exercise Corporate branding Global branding
Brand Brand = the version of a product that is made by one particular manufacturer Own brands / Own labels = products which have the trademark or label of the shop which sells them, especially a supermarket chain
‘brand’ family words Brand name = the name the manufacturer gives a product and under which it is sold Brand awareness = how much people know about a particular brand, and the ideas they have about it Brand image = the image or impression that people have of a product, usually created by advertising Brand recognition = when a person knows what a product is or knows something about it
Generic Generic (adj.) = not having a trademark and that is known by a general name, rather than the manufacturer’s name Generic (n.) = a drug or other product that does not have a trademark and that is known by a general name, rather than the manufacturer’s name
USP USP = Unique Selling Point, a particular feature of a product or service which can be used in advertising to show how it is different from, and better than, other similar products or services
‘product’ family words Product mix = the range of products that it produces Product line = a group of related products produced by one manufacturer Product range / Product portfolio = all the products sold by a particular company
Practice your vocabulary Fill the blanks with these terms: generic products, brand awareness, brand image, own brand, brand name, USP A brand of a product is a version of it made by one particular manufacturer. Consumers may or may not recognize a particular This knowledge, or lack of it, is measured in terms of brand recognition and A product sold by a retailer, under the retailer’s own name rather than the manufacturer’s, is an product. Products that are not sold under a brand name are Companies try hard to show consumers how their products are different from their competitor’s products and what the is. Part of the process of making a product different from other similar ones requires a company to develop a strong for the products in its product mix.
The Power of Branding Fame = the quality of being well-known or famous Revenue = money that a government or organization receives from people Status = position in society Turn things around = change the way in which things are Convert = change
The Power of Branding (cont.) Equate = regard as equal; be equivalent Prosperity = financial richness Ranch = a large farm Distinctive = easily recognizable Rancher = a farm owner Distinguish = differentiate; make a different Recognition = awareness; acknowledgment; remembering; acceptance
The Power of Branding (cont.) Enormous = great; huge Register = put the name on something Aristocratic = being of a high class Image = picture Theme = topic; point; subject matter Integrity = honesty; uprightness Dependability = ability to rely on
The Power of Branding (cont.) Extremely = very much; immensely Enduring = lasting Presence = existence Contradictory = opposite; contrary Benefit = get advantage or profit Treasure = a collection of valuable things Overseas = abroad; of foreign countries
The Power of Branding (cont.) Prominent = prestigious; renown; famous Corporation = a business company Founded = established; created Appeal to = attract Subculture = the ideas, art, and way of life of a particular group within a society Revised = amended
The Power of Branding (cont.) Segment = part Finance = give money to Operations = companies Racetracks = tracks or ways for car racing No-nonsense = reasonable; logical Athlete = sportsperson Presume = think; guess; suppose
The Power of Branding (cont.) Promotes = given; presented Patriotism = loyalty Opposition = being against; contrary Mainstream = principal; important Values = moral principles and beliefs Point out = show Ultimate = most importance Tattoo = pattern or design on one’s skin