WordSkills: Lesson Ten The Final Voyage
amat (amor)love amorous amor (love)ous (full of) enamor en (inside, within)amor (love) amateur amat (love)eur (one who)
apt (ept)fit Aptitude apt (fit) tude (state of) Adapt ad (to) apt (fit) inept in (not) ept (fit)
audhear audible aud (hear) ible (capable) audition aud (hear) tion (act of) auditorium aud (hear) ium (place where)
cidkill homicide hom (man) cid (kill) herbicide herb (plant) cid (kill) regicide reg (king) cid (kill)
cur (curr, curs)run current curr (run) ent (full of) concurrent con (together) curr (run) ent (full of) cursory curs (run) ory (pertaining to)
doxbelief doxology dox (belief) logy (study of) orthodox ortho (straight, standard) dox (belief) heterodox hetero (different) dox (belief)
fidfaith confident con (together) fid (faith) ent (full of) infidel in (not) fid (faith) perfidious per (thoroughly) fid (faith) ous (full of) [ NOTE: Perfidious means the opposite of what it seems literally. Over time the definition has changed so that today it means “treacherous, untrustworthy.”
izemake, do sanitize sanitas (healthy) ize (make) finalize fin (end) ize (make) hypnotize hypnos (sleep) ize (make)
lithrock lithograph lith (rock) graph (write) monolithic mono (one) lith (rock) ic (characteristics of) neolithic neo (new) lith (rock) ic (characteristics of)
luclight lucid luc (light) id (related to) translucent trans (across) luc (light) ent (full of) Lucifer luc (light) fer (bear)
miss (mit)send transmit trans (across) mit (send) emissary e (out) miss (send) ary (related to) remit re (back) mit (send)
mutachange mutable muta (change) able (capable) mutation muta (change)tion (act of) commute com (with)mut (change)
nomen (nomin)name nominate nomin (name) ate (make, do) nomenclature nomen (name) calare (call) ure (state of) nominal nomin (name) al (related to)
oculeye binoculars bi (two) ocul (eye) ar (pertaining to) ocular ocul (eye) ar (pertaining to) oculometer ocul (eye) meter (measure)
ousfull of glamorous glamor (enchantment) ous (full of) gluttonous glutton (eat) ous (full of) infamous in (no) fam (renown) ous (full of)
phonsound phonics phon (sound)ics (science of) phonology phon (sound)logy (study of) microphone micro (small)phon (sound)
psychmind psychosis psych (mind)sis (state, condition) psychopath psych (mind)path (disease) psychiatry psych (mind)iatr (cure, health) y (result of)
sacr (secr)holy sacred sacr (holy) sacrifice sacr (holy) fic (make, do) execrate ex (out) secr (holy)ate (make, cause)- to damn or curse; to denounce [Note: In execrate the “s” in secr is dropped because it is difficult to say “x” and “s” together.]
Secut (sequ)follow sequence sequ (follow)ence (state, or act of) consecutive con (together) secut (follow) ive (that which execute ex (out)secut (follow) [Note: In execute the “s” in secr is dropped because it is difficult to say “x” and “s” together.]
sophwise, clever sophomore soph (wise) moras (foolish) philosopher phil (love) soph (wise) er (one who) sophisticated sophistikos (wise) ate (make, do)
String (strict)bind, draw tightly astringent a (to) string (bind)ent (that which) constrict con (together) strict (bind) restriction re (back) strict (bind, draw) ion (act of)
telefar, distant telephone tele (distant)phon (sound) television tele (distant)vis (see)ion (act of) telepathy tele (distant) path (feeling) y (result of)
urbcity urban urb (city) an (related to) suburban sub (under) urb (city)an (related to) urbanity urb (city) an (related to) ity (quality)- refinement, sophistication
Vi (vit, viv)life viable vi (life)able (capable of) vitality vi (life) ity (state of, quality) vivacious viv (life)cious (full of)
zoanimal zoology zo (animal) logy (study) Protozoa proto (first) zo (animal) Zoophile zo (animal) phil (love of)