What To Do with a Major in Economics Presented by: Kellie Klinck, M.A., L.L.P.C., N.C.C. Academic Adviser, School of Business Administration Special Guest: Ed Eickhoff, Alumnus
Our Agenda: What is Economics? Curriculum Skills Needed for this Field Possible Career Paths Job Market Information/Career-Readiness Student Organizations Guest Speaker Questions/Comments
What is Economics? Economics examines how individuals, for-profit organizations, non- profit organizations and societies in general make efficient decisions, given limited resources. It analyzes how businesses and households make decisions and prescribes solutions to societal problems such as unemployment, inflation, pollution and crime. Majoring in economics prepares students for the workplace of the future which will require workers who are flexible, adaptable to change, and who can propose practical solutions to solve problems quickly. It is one of the leading fields of study at major universities within the U.S., as well as around the world.
What is Economics cont’d… Besides preparing students for careers in business, an education in economics is excellent preparation for graduate studies in law, business and public administration, as well as environmental studies. Economics majors consistently attain high scores on national placement tests (GMAT, LSAT, GRE, etc.) by instilling strong critical-thinking capabilities. In addition to quantitative analysis and problem solving, students learn to develop models appropriate to understanding the consequences of decision-making.
Interesting Tid-bit… Some Famous Economics Majors… Steve Ballmer, CEO, Microsoft George H. Bush, Former U.S. President Sandra Day-O'Connor, Former Supreme Court Justice Mick Jagger, Rolling Stones Ronald Reagan, Former U.S. President Arnold Schwarzenegger, Actor/Governor of California Ted Turner, CNN/Atlanta Braves/Hawks Meg Whitman, CEO, Ebay Tiger Woods, world-renown golfer
Curriculum OU offers THREE different degrees in ECONOMICS: ▫B.S. in Business Administration with a MAJOR in Business Economics ▫B.S. in Economics ▫B.A. in Economics (SBA & CAS) ▫Checklists…
What ECONOMICS Courses will you Take? ALL THREE DEGREES: ▫ECN 200 and 201 – Macro/Micro (Pre-Core) ▫ECN 303 – Managerial Economics (Core) Business Economics Major: ▫ECN 302-Intermediate Economics ▫ECN 304-Consumer Economics ▫ECN 405-Econometrics ▫Four 300-level or above economics electives
Courses cont’d… B.S. in Economics ▫ECN 302- Intermediate Economics ▫ECN 304- Consumer Economics ▫ECN 405- Econometrics ▫FIVE ECN Electives B.A. in Economics ▫ECN 302-Intermediate Economics ▫ECN 304-Consumer Economics ▫SIX ECN Electives
ECONOMICS ELECTIVES ECN 309 – State and Local Public Finance ECN 310 – Economics of the Environment ECN 315 – Economics of Gender and Ethnicity ECN 321 – Financial Markets and the Economy ECN 326 – International Economic Development ECN 333 – History of Economic Thought ECN 338 – Economics of Human Resources ECN 367- Economics of Health Care
Economics Electives Cont’d… ECN 373 – International Trade ECN 374 – Economics of International Finance ECN 378 – Economic Analysis of Law ECN 380 – Topics in Economics ECN 385 – Economics of Industries ECN 409 – Urban and Regional Economics ECN 418 – Seminar in Economic Policy ECN 421 – Monetary Economics ECN 456 – Public Finance ECN 480 – Special Topics in Economics
Skills Needed: Analytical Skills Communication (oral/written) Critical Thinking Inquisitiveness Interpersonal Skills Model Building Quantitative
Possible Career Paths: Bank Officer Bond Trader Budget Analyst Economic Analyst Financial Economist Healthcare Administrator Labor Economist Loan Officer Market Research Analyst Public Administrator Securities Broker Urban/Regional Planner
Job Market/Career Readiness Type of Employer % of Graduates Traditional Business 23.3 Government 18.4 Financial Business 17.7 Graduate School 13.1 Consulting Business 4.4 Private/public university 3.9 Law Firm 3.5 Other 9.8 Source:
Student Organization Economics Students Association or
For Further Information… Professor Addington Coppin Major Adviser and Chair, Department of Economics 440 Elliott Hall (248)