Definition: (adj.) Full of concern Sentence: The teacher was always solicitous about the welfare of her students
Definition: (noun) detailed examination of the elements or structure of something. Typically as a basis for discussion or interpretation. Sentence: The analysis of student behavior shows any class after lunch will give teacher’s a headache.
Definition: (adj.) Having or showing careful judgment in speech and action. Sentence: Texting in class is much more discreet than a phone call.
Definition: (noun) widespread acclaim, fame. Sentence: But one source of reputation is the work and the renown of a program's graduates
Definition: (adj.) Feeling or showing contempt; scornful. Sentence: She repeated her explanation impatiently, something disdainful and sinister in her metallic little voice.
Definition: (noun) a survey or review of a past course of events or period of time Sentence: In retrospect, moshing at the dance on Friday night was clearly a poor decision and not worth the consequences.
Definition: (noun) the sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight including courtesy, generosity, and valor. Sentence: Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead.
Definition: (adj.) having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone. Sentence: Some loved her, some hated her, few were ambivalent towards her.