Abstruse (adj) Extremely difficult to understand


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Presentation transcript:

Abstruse (adj) Extremely difficult to understand Syn: esoteric, arcane, recondite, occult Ant: simple, straightforward **confusing

Affront (n) An open or intentional insult; a slight; (v) to insult to one’s face; to face in defiance, confront Syn: (n) offense; (v) offend Ant: (n., v.) compliment, praise **offense

Canard (n) A false rumor, fabricated story Syn: hoax **can hardly be true

Captious (adj) Excessively ready to find fault; given to petty criticism; intended to trap, confuse, or show up Syn: faultfinding, nit-picking, carping Ant: uncritical **carping

Cognizant (adj) Aware, knowledgeable, informed; having jurisdiction Syn: conscious, acquainted Ant: unaware, unconscious, oblivious **conscious

Contrite (adj) Regretful for some misdeed or sin; plagued by a sense of guilt; thoroughly penitent Syn: remorseful, rueful Ant: unrepentant, unapologetic, impenitent **it’s right to be contrite

Cynosure (n) The center of attraction, attention, or interest; something that serves to guide or direct Syn: focus **sign that’s sure to attract attention

Decorous (adj) Well behaved, dignified, socially proper Syn: seemly, becoming, tastful Ant: unseemly, unbecoming, improper, tasteless **dignified

Deign (v) To think it appropriate or suitable to one’s dignity to do something; to condescend Syn: deem, stoop **a king who reigns may not deign to talk to commoners

Desiccated (adj., part.) Thoroughly dried out; divested of spirit or vitality; arid and uninteresting Syn: dehydrated, shriveled, parched Ant: sodden, soggy, waterlogged, drenched **dehydrated

Efficacy (n) The power to produce a desired result Syn: effectiveness, potency, reliability Ant: ineffectiveness, impotence **effectiveness

Engender (v) To bring into existence, give rise to, produce; to come into existence, assume form Syn: beget, generate, cause, form Ant: stop, deter **generate interest

Ethereal (adj) Light, airy, delicate; highly refined; suggesting what is heavenly (rather than earthbound) Syn: heavenly, celestial, gossamer Ant: infernal, hellish, thick, heavy **celestial

Façade (n) The front or face of a building; a surface appearance (as opposed to what may lie behind) Syn: exterior, surface, mask, pretense Ant: interior **face of

Ghoulish (adj) Revolting in an unnatural or morbid way; suggestive of someone who robs graves or otherwise preys on the dead Syn: fiendish, barbarous, monstrous **monstrous

Incongruous (adj) Not in keeping, unsuitable, incompatible Syn: discordant, jarring Ant: compatible, harmonious, consistent **incongruent, not the same

Machination (n) A crafty, scheming, or underhanded action designed to accomplish some (usually evil) end Syn: plot, scheme, maneuver **machines against a nation

Mesmerize (v) To hypnotize, entrance; to fascinate, enthrall, bewitch

Opprobrium (n) Disgrace arising from shameful conduct; contempt, reproach Syn: infamy, dishonor, odium, shame Ant: acclaim, honor, glory, renown **in-appropriate behavior leads to opprobrium

Putative (adj) Generally regarded as such; reputed; hypothesized, inferred Syn: supposed, presumed Ant: known, corroborated, confirmed **reputed