SCHOOL OF EDUCATION SOLAPUR UNIVERSITY, SOLAPUR Presented by Dr. H.N.JAGTAP Director School of Education Solapur University, Solapur
PROFESSION Profession- A profession is a vocation founded upon specialized educational training, the purpose of which is to supply disinterested counsel and service to others, for a direct and definite compensation, wholly apart from expectation of other business gain.vocationeducational training
T EACHING IS NOT PROFESSION - There is no oath. There is no code of conduct for teachers. There is no professional organization which controls behavior of the members. Teacher can not do any socially approved vocation with skill acquire. There is no provision of registration for doing work. Teaching not a profession but mission.
I. K NOWLEDGE - ( Content, Methods, Tools, Techniques.) 1.Reading books, Journals, Reports etc. 2.Listening lectures. 3.Attending Seminars, Conference, Workshops. 4.Acqire information through Internet. 5.Visits to various Institutions.
II. S KILL - 1.Pre Service training. 2.In Service training. 3.Refresher Courses. 4.Workshops. 5.Application and Practicing modern gadgets.
III. A TTITUDE - 1.Positive attitude towards Profession. 2. Positive attitude towards Students. 3. Positive attitude towards Subjects. 4. Positive attitude towards System. 5. Positive attitude towards Socity.
F OR CHANGE IN A TTITUDE - 1.Role models from our Profession. 2.Reading bio- graphics of great Teachers. 3.Intervieving and Meeting with Great personalities from Profession. 4.Visiting the renown institutions. 5.Creating respect to the Culture & Heritage.
C HARACTERISTICS OF G OOD TEACHER - 1.Clear objectives about their Job and Life. 2.Command over Subjects. 3.Expectation of Excellence. 4.Care and Concern -Easily accessible to students and having caring Attitude.
5.Possitive Attitude- 1).S TUDENTS. 2).S UBJECTS. 3). P ROFESSION. 4).S YSTEM. 5).S OCITY 6.F IRMNESS IN DUTY AND DECISIONS 7.Students Evaluation. 8.Objectivity-Denial of Discrimination.