Blash mascara contains lash enhancing serums that with just one use can grow eyelashes up to 3x longer and thicker.
Blash mascara is the newest revolution of a mascara and eyelash enhancing duo. This brilliantly designed mascara is guaranteed to not only give you a great look for that day, but also makes your eyelashes look even better when you take the mascara off.
If you have short eyelashes, or just want even longer and thicker eyelashes, Blash is definitely the solution! Our mascara is affordable and effective. Blash has the fastest time to notice eyelash growth than any other mascara or serum.
T ARGET A UDIENCE Race: All Age: Middle Class Persuasive Technique: Product comparison
P RODUCT C OMPARISON Unlike L'Oreal's “Telescopic” mascara that takes one week to notice any change in eyelashes, Blash improves the look in just one day. Maybelline’s “Lash Stiletto” mascara claims to boost the length of eyelashes by 44%; Blash improves the length of eyelashes by 78% Rimmel’s “Scandalous Eyes” mascara says it improves the length of eyelashes; Blash improves the length AND volume of eyelashes.
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M ARKETING S TRATEGIES 1. Get Taylor Swift to tweet about how she’s getting ready to go the AMA’s and cant find her Blash. 2. Get the most popular girl in school to tell everyone Blash is what makes her eyelashes soo amazing. 3. Give away samples of Blash 4. Get Michelle Obama to accidently drop her purse and Blash falls out. 5. Host an event that for every bottle of Blash sold, 10 cents is donated to Africa.
S WOT A NALYSIS Strengths: Our product is a low priced, effective mascara and eyelash boosting serum that enhances the volume and length of lashes by 78% in just one use. Weaknesses: Blash is only available in our parner company stores currently Opportunities: Our product plans to become an international sensation in the near future Threats: : Maybelline is already a well renown company that carries a similar product as Blash