Vocabulary Back Ground Middle Ground Foreground Silhouette Collage
Example: THE SCREAM by Max Ernst What colors do you see in the background? What colors do you see in the middle ground? What do you see in the foreground? What is the highest on the picture plane? What is the lowest?
Example STARRY NIGHT By Van Gogh What colors do you see in the background? What do you see in the middle ground? What do you see in the foreground?
What you will need: Colored Construction paper Glue Marking pens (to write the title)
Step 1 Choose a back ground paper
Step 2 Choose one or two more papers and tear from side to side Notice that the paper does not tear in a straight line. Glue these down to your background paper
Step 3 Tear black paper into long strips. Notice that you can tear paper from the top to bottom in straight strips Now tear these strips into a pile of small pieces.
Step 4 Decide on an important image in your story. Tear the shape of this image out of black construction paper to create a silhouette.
Step 5 Tear colored paper into small pieces no larger than the size of the end of your thumb. Arrange these on the black shape.
Check list: YESNO Does your work have a background? Did you create your middle ground by tearing the paper from one side to another Did you create your foreground silhouette by tearing black paper into the shape of the image? Did you add details by gluing small bits of paper to this silhouette? Does your work illustrate an important idea in the book?