Grocery Store Measures Door Gasket Laboratory Testing
Agenda BPA Recommendations Gasket Damage, Door Open Times & Gasket Cost Data Emerson Lab Test Results Next Steps
I. BPA Recommendations Door Gaskets – Deemed Measure Automatic Door Closer – Deemed Measure KEY ASSUMPTIONS: a. Energy Savings adjusted for median door open times. b. Medium Temp Reach-In estimated at 2/3 of Low Temp Reach-In. c. B/C ratio assumes 4 year measure life.
Comparison of Savings (kWh/year/door) Case Type Case Temp Emerson Lab Testing Express Efficiency1 SCE1,3 Reach-In Low 410 2,369 210 - 420 Medium 273 407 98 - 195 Walk-In 662 4,708 1060 - 2560 361 809 200 - 480 Notes: Assumes gasket length of 15' for Reach-In and 20' for Walk-In Emerson Lab Testing: BPA sponsored Emerson study SCE: So. Calif. Edison Work Papers WPSCNRRN0013 (10/2007) and WPSCNRRN0001, Revision 1 (10/2007)
II. Gasket Damage Basis for Lab Testing (Ref. Phase 1 Report, 2/2007). Reach-in Low Temp: Very high level of damage near the handle. Typical tear is 6-12 inches Reach-in Medium Temp: Typically at bottom of door. Typical tear is 6-12 inches. Ten to twenty percent of damaged gaskets prevent door closure. Walk-in Low & Medium Temp: Typical tears are: Two to three feet in length Completely missing several feet of gasket Similar to Swiss cheese in appearance Hard, brittle and blocking door closure The standard used for repair in the PNW is a minimum 6” double tear. A man’s fist should generally fit comfortably through the tear.
Door Open Times Methodology: Number of Doors Avg Open Time (Min) Median Open Time (Min) Avg Open Time (%) Median Open Time (%) All Walk-Ins 14 28.6 4.4 17.0% 9.4% All Reach-Ins 24 88.7 0.3 7.6% 0.6% Low-Temp Walk-Ins 4 3.7 4.2 4.5% 4.1% Med-Temp Walk-Ins 10 38.5 6.1 22.1% 17.6% Low-Temp Reach-Ins 145.6 1.1 12.2% 1.5% Med-Temp Reach-Ins 0.2 0.2% Methodology: Total of (38) cases monitored at (10) sites: 14 walk-ins & 24 reach-ins Field Installed, Hobo U-9-001 State Loggers, in place 1 to 4 weeks
Cost Information Average of Total Linear Feet Door Type Total $/lnft Door Type Total $/lnft Total Door Cost Reach-In Low Temp 15 7 $ 107 Reach-In Med Temp 17 5 $ 83 Walk-In Low Temp $ 116 Walk-In Med Temp 16 $ 79 Walk-In Med Temp - Glass entry Door 19 $ 95 Auto-closer (reach-in) $36 - $40 Auto-closer (walk-in) $100 - $250
III. Lab Testing
Laboratory Testing – Interim Results Completed Gasket and Auto Closer testing and report: Low temperature reach-in Low temperature walk-in Medium temperature walk-in Completed testing on strip curtains – report under review.
Low Temperature Reach-In Results
Low Temperature Walk-In Results
Medium Temperature Walk-In Results
Next Steps Finalize report on strip curtains Conduct UA-testing on walk-in Evaluate results with wider audience including peer review. Prepare technical paper. Incorporate revised results into ESG, as appropriate
Door Gasket Laboratory Testing Supporting Slides Door Gasket Laboratory Testing
Steady State Operation Anomalies (Full Gasket / Damaged Gasket) Condenser Air Inlet Full: 74.5 F. Damaged: 72.5 F. Saturated Suction Temperature -36 F. -32 F. Compressor Operating EER Full: 3.84 Damaged: 4.24
Anomaly Impact on Test Summary Full Gasket test negatively impacted by 1.7 kWh per day
Normalized Energy Results Full Damaged 24 Hour Energy (kWh) 52.6 / 50.9* 54.3 / 54.3 Daily Increase (kWh) Baseline 1.68 / 3.4* % Daily Increase Baseline 3.2% / 6.7%* *Italics: original number Bold: Normalized number
Door Open Time Study Total of (38) cases monitored at (10) sites Mix of Walk-Ins and Reach-Ins Field Installed Hobo U-9-001 State Loggers At least one week; up to four weeks
Duration of Door Openings (Minutes)
Door Open Times – by Case Type
Door Open Times
Product Type
Estimated Annual Energy Savings - Door Closers
History – Average Gasket Damage