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EnglishMathHistoryScienceP.E. Testing Strategies

Serena’s teacher has asked the students to conduct research about ocean creatures and write about what they learn. Serena wants to write about giant squids. To complete this assignment, Serena will write a A personal letter. B factual report. C short story. D book review. A 100

What is B A 100

What should students use to mark their test booklets? A.Pencil B.Pen C.Highlighter D.All of the above A 200

What is A A 200

Read this sentence. “Come on, Christopher!” Laura cried as Christopher continued to scrutinize the menu. “You’ve been looking at the menu all day—just pick something!" To scrutinize means A to study carefully. B to read with difficulty. C to skim quickly. D to read carelessly. A 300

What is A A 300

Read this sentence from paragraph 2. She could see the value of pep rallies for football games; for example, she wanted other sports, clubs, and organizations to benefit from the spirit and encouragement our students show at pep rallies. In this sentence, ; for example, does not correctly link the ideas. Which of these should be used? A, and B, or C ; since D ; instead A 400

What is A A 400

(14) The squid holds the prey. (15) It uses its parrot-like beak and powerful jaw to tear the food. What is the best way to combine sentences 14 and 15? A The squid holds the prey and using its parrot- like beak and powerful jaw to tear the food. B Holding the prey, the squid uses its parrot-like beak and powerful jaw to tear the food. C The squid uses its parrot-like beak while it holds the prey and powerful jaw to tear the food. D The squid holds the prey, and therefore, it uses its parrot-like beak and powerful jaw to tear the food. A 500

What is B A 500

Emil wants to find out the most popular football team at a game between the home team and the visiting team. Which of the following methods will give him the most accurate results? A surveying the cheerleaders for the home team B surveying people wearing hats for the visiting team C surveying a group of people standing in line for tickets D surveying people who do not live in the home team’s city B 100

What is C B 100

What is 60% of 30? A 1.8 B 18 C 180 D 1800 B 200

What is B B 200

What paper can students use on the Math CST? B 300

What is Graph paper B 300

Tamika works in a shoe store and is paid a 12% commission on her sales. In January her sales total was $3740. To the nearest dollar, how much did Tamika earn in commission for January? A $312 B $449 C $3291 D $4189 B 400

What is B B 400

Which relation is a function? A {(–1, 3), (–2, 6), (0, 0), (–2, –2)} B {(–2, –2), (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2)} C {(4, 0), (4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3)} D {(7, 4), (8, 8), (10, 8), (10, 10)} B 500

What is B B 500

Which development most enabled early peoples to form permanent settlements? A advances in agricultural production B the creation of democratic government C the spread of monotheism D advances in written language C 100

What is A C 100

How much time do student’s have to take the History portion of the CST? A.30 minutes B.60 minutes C.90 minutes D.Unlimited time C 200

What is D C 200

The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States were intended to solve problems relating to A government organization. B civil rights. C checks and balances. D rapid economic change. C 300

What is B C 300


England became a Protestant country during the Reformation when its A king declared himself head of the Church of England. B people demanded the adoption of Lutheran beliefs. C priests opposed reforms implemented by the Pope. D armies were exposed to Calvinist beliefs while in France. C 400

What is A C 400

During the 1800s, the movement of large numbers of immigrants from many different countries into large American cities resulted in the rapid growth of A effective public health programs. B ethnic neighborhoods. C public parks and recreation areas. D plentiful and affordable public housing C 500

What is B C 500

Which of the following best describes an atom? A protons and electrons grouped together in a random pattern B protons and electrons grouped together in an alternating pattern C a core of protons and neutrons surrounded by electrons D a core of electrons and neutrons surrounded by protons D 100

What is C D 100

Which of the following forms of energy is released or absorbed in most chemical reactions? A light energy B electrical energy C sound energy D heat energy D 200

What is D D 200

Which grade level standards are being tested on the Science CST? A.6 th Grade B.7 th Grade C.8 th Grade D.All of the above D 300

What is D D 300

What characteristic of carbon (C) makes it essential to living organisms? A Carbon forms crystal structures under certain conditions. B Carbon can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas. C Carbon bonds in many ways with itself to form chains. D Carbon exists in radioactive forms. D 400

What is C D 400

To express the distance between the Milky Way galaxy and other galaxies, the most appropriate unit of measurement is the A meter. B kilometer. C light-year. D astronomical unit. D 500

What is C D 500

Where do you send a student that needs extra time? E 100

What is the library? E 100

How many Push-ups should a 12 year old female complete in the FITNESSGRAM? A.7-15 B C D E 200

What is A E 200

Aside from the Mile Run and Push-ups name one other skill the FITNESSGRAM tests. E 300

What is Trunk Lift, Modified Pull-Up, Flexed-Arm Hang, Curl-Up, Back-Saver Sit & Reach, Walk Test, 20m Pacer E 300

How much time does a 13 year old male have to complete the mile run in the FITNESSGRAM? A.15:00-11:00 minutes B.12:00-9:00 minutes C.10:00-7:30 minutes D.8:00-6:30 minutes E 400

What is C E 400

The Healthy Fitness Zones are criterion-referenced standards established by? E 500

What is The Cooper Institute of Dallas, Texas E 500

The classification of Mammals with pouches F 100

What are Maruspials? F 100

This second largest bird in the world is native to Australia F 200

What is the ostrich? F 200

Australia’s wild dogs F 300

What are dingos? F 300

This Australian island is the home of a devil and a wolf F 400

What is Tasmania? F 400

Although the National Bird of New Zealand, it is also indigenous to Australia F 500

What is the Kiwi? F 500

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