CE2071 - REPAIRS AND REHABILITATION OF STRUCTURES OBJECTIVE To get the knowledge on quality of concrete, durability aspects, causes of deterioration, assessment of distressed structures, repairing of structures and demolition procedures.
UNIT – I MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR STRATEGIES Syllabus: Maintenance, repair and rehabilitation, Facets of Maintenance, importance of Maintenance various aspects of Inspection, Assessment procedure for evaluating a damaged structure, causes of deterioration
MAINTENANCE Definition: Maintenance of building is defined as the work done to keep the civil engineering structures in working condition so as to enable them to carry out the functions for which they are constructed.
Necessity of maintenance The maintenance of structures is done to meet the following objectives. · Prevent damages and decay due to natural agencies and wear & tear - to keep them in good appearance and working condition. · Repair defects occurred in structures and strengthen them, if necessary.
Maintenance work on dam structure
Classification of Maintenance Work: · Preventive Maintenance · Remedial Maintenance · Routine Maintenance · Special Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance: -before the defects occurred or damages developed
Remedial Maintenance: -after the defects or damage occurs in the structures. It involves the following basic steps. Finding the deterioration . Determining the causes. Evaluating the strength of the existing structures. Evaluating the need of the structures. Selecting and implementing the repair procedure
Routine Maintenance: maintenance attended to the structure periodically. It depends upon specifications and materials of structures ,purpose , intensity and condition of use . It is done by the fund provided annually, which is normally 1.5% of the cost of construction. It includes the inspection, planning the programme and execute. It includes white washing, patching repair to plaster, replacement of fitting and fixtures, blinding of road surface.
Special Maintenance: - is done under special condition work not covered in routing programme or the annual repair - is done under special condition It may be done for strengthening and updating of the structure - to meet the new condition of usage or to increase its serviceability. It include particular or complete renewal, such as renewal of floors, roofs etc
Special Maintenance
Causes which necessitate the maintenance: The causes which effects the service and durability of the structure are as follows: · Atmospheric Agencies 1. Rain 2. Wind 3. Temperature. · Normal wear and tear. · Failure of structure.
Atmospheric Agencies 1. Rain: -important source of water which affects the structure in the following ways. Physical: Dissolving and carrying away minerals as it is universal solvent.
Expansion and contraction: - materials subjected to repetitive expansion and contraction - while they become wet and dry and develop the stresses. Expansion of water: - variation of temperature causes the expansion and construction of absorbed water affects the micro structures of the materials.
Erosion: Abrasion of the structure materials is quite evident effect of the water. Spillway damage
-which is known as chemical weathering. Water contains acids and alkali and other compound in dissolved form, acts over the material -which is known as chemical weathering. H2S corrosion on the concrete walls
2.Wind:which transports the abrasive materials and assists the physical weathering. 3.Temperature: The temperature variation may also change in the structure and chemical composition of the materials.
to the structural integrity of spillway. Normal wear and tear: During the use of structure it is subjected to abrasion and there by it losses appearance and serviceability. Concrete damage was found to be a serious threat to the structural integrity of spillway.
Failure of structure: -behavior of structure not in agreement with expected condition of stability -or lacking freedom from necessary repair or non- compliance with desired use of and occupancy of the completed structure.
The causes of failure may be broadly grouped as: · Improper design. · Defective construction. · Improper use of structure · Lack of maintenance.
Inspection of a Building: Inspection of a building and any other civil engineering structure is routine duty of person in charge maintenance. -It means keen, analytic and dynamic observation regarding the change in condition of the structure deterioration reason and the causes, failure concluding the remedies for the same.
The inspections should be made on the following points. Condition of wall paint. Condition of paint on wood- work. Condition of flooring Roof leakage, leakage. if any Dampness in wall or floors, if any Condition of service fittings. Drainage from terrace or pitched like
· Growth of vegetation, if any · Structural defects like 1. Crack 2. Settlement 3. Deflection (sagging)
CAUSES OF DETERIORATION 1. Local settlement of sub-grade. 2. Movement of formwork. 3. Vibrations 4. Internal settlement of concrete suspension. 5. Setting shrinkage.
Premature removal of forms. Drying shrinkage 8. Temperature stresses This may be due to (i)Difference in temperature between the inside and outside of the building. (ii)Variation in internal temperature of the building structure. 9. Absorption of moisture by concrete
10. Corrosion of reinforcement This could be caused by (i)Entry of moisture through cracks or pores (ii)Electrolytic action Aggressive action of chemical 12. Weathering action 13. Action of shockwaves 14. Erosion
15. Weathering action 16. Action of shockwaves 17. Erosion 18. Poor design details at (i) Re- entrant corners (ii) Changes in cross section (iii)Rigid joint precast elements (iv)Deflections
Poor design details leads to 1. Leakage through joints 2. Inadequate drainage 3. Inefficient drainage slope 4. Unanticipated shear stresses in piers, column and abutments etc.., 5. Incompatibility of materials of sections. 6. Neglect in design 7. Errors in design 8. Errors in earlier repairs 9. Overloading 10. External influences such as(a) Earthquake (b) Wind(c) Fire(e) Cyclone(f) Flash floors etc..,