Do Now Please (5 min) In your own words, summarize what the graph below is saying.
CORRECT THE QUIZ! Version A: 1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.D Version B: 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.D
What is this data saying? Write your response here:
Which pie chart is another correct way of showing this dat? Write your response here:
1. According to the graph, what are Wii Sports most likely to result in? 2. Summarize what the data on this graph are saying.
3. According to the graph, how does one’s reaction to a baby over the telephone differ from the reaction to a baby in a restaurant? 4. Summarize what the data on this graph are saying?
5. According to the graph, how does the attractiveness of a Speedo on a 20-year-old compare to the attractiveness of a Speedo on an 80-year-old? 6. Summarize what the data on this graph are saying.
Data Set 1: Homing Pigeons A scientist hypothesizes that homing pigeons use their sense of smell to find their way home. She tests this idea on two groups of pigeons. She releases the pigeons in Group 1 and records the direction of their flight. The pigeons in Group 2 are given a substance that blocks their sense of smell for a short time. The scientist then releases them and records the direction of their flight. Her data are shown on the diagram below.
Normal 7. What can we say about the data? They support the hypothesis because the pigeons who couldn’t smell couldn’t find their way home 8. How would they have had to act for us to say that the data did not support the hypothesis? If the Group 2 pigeons acted just like the Group 1 pigeons, we would say that their sense of smell probably didn’t affect their ability to find their way home Sense of smell blocked
Data Set 2: World Population 9. How did the population change from 1000 to 1500 versus how it changed from 1500 to 2000? 10. Infer some things that might have been responsible for the huge increase in population between 1500 and 2000.
Data Set 3: Newspapers 11. Summarize the overall trend from the graph. 12. What can you infer could have been responsible for the trend?
14. How many exercise/nutrition public service announcements (PSAs) do people your age see per year? How does this compare to the number of food ads they see? 15. What do you think the makers of this graph are trying to show? Data Set 4:Food Ads
Closing (5 min) The table shows the populations of different kinds of fish in a lake in different years. 1.What are the dependent and independent variables? 2.Which fish is most likely to reach 500 by the year 2010? Explain your answer Fish A Fish B Fish C Fish D