Words for Production 1.taste [ test ] vt.; vi. to test the flavor of (food or drink); to have the flavor of 嚐出 … 的味道;有 … 的味道 Can you taste the cheese.


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Presentation transcript:

Words for Production 1.taste [ test ] vt.; vi. to test the flavor of (food or drink); to have the flavor of 嚐出 … 的味道;有 … 的味道 Can you taste the cheese in this bread? These apples taste sweet. 詞類變化

taste [ test ] n. [U C] 味道 The cheese had a terrible taste. It made me sick. tasteless [ `testlIs ] adj. 無味的 This soup is tasteless. Please pass me the salt.

Words for Production 2.tongue [ t^9 ] n. [C] the soft part in the mouth, used for tasting, speaking, etc. 舌頭 The tongue makes it possible for us to tell if something is sweet. 不完全及物動詞 + it ( 假受詞 ) + 受詞補語 ( N Adj )+ 真受詞 ( To V Clause )

Words for Production 3.guess [ GEs ] vi.; vt. to form (a judgment) or give (an opinion) without knowing all the facts 猜測,推測 I don’t know for sure what’s going on, but I can guess. 詞類變化

guess [GEs] n. [C] 猜測 My guess is that he didn’t come because he was angry with us. Just make a guess at the answer. Then, I will tell you whether it is right or not.

Words for Production 4.smell [ smEl ] n. [C] a quality that has an effect on the nose 氣味 The coffee has a strong smell. I can smell it here. 詞類變化

smell [ smEl ] vt.; vi. 聞;聞起來 Sour milk smells terrible.

Words for Production 5.nose [ noz ] n. [C] the part of the face above the mouth used for breathing and smelling 鼻子 When I eat durians, I always hold my nose.

Words for Production 6.scientist [ `saI1ntIs t] n. [C] a person who works in science 科學家 My brother has a great interest in science. He hopes to be a scientist some day. 詞類變化

science [ `saI1ns ] n. [U] 科學 My brother has a great interest in science. He hopes to be a scientist some day.

Words for Production 7.recognize [ `rEk1G&naIz ] vt. to know (someone or something) from past experience 辨認,辨別出 Peter knows birds well. He can recognize the songs of most birds.

Words for Production 8.salty [ `sOltI ] adj. having the taste of salt 有鹹味的 Too much salty food is bad for you. 詞類變化

salt [ sOlt ] n. [U] 鹽 The vegetables need more salt. They are tasteless.

Words for Production 9.sour [ sa5r ] adj. having a sharp taste like that of a lemon; (something) tasting or smelling bad because it is not fresh 酸的;酸腐味的 This lemon juice is too sour. It needs some honey. The milk is sour. You’d better not drink it. that : 代替前面出現過的特定名詞, 此處即 the taste 的意思. had better + 原形動詞 最好 其否定型為 had better not + 原形動詞

Words for Production 10. bitter [`bIt2] adj. having a sharp taste, like black coffee without sugar 有苦味的 Medicine always tastes bitter. That’s why most people don’t like it.

Words for Production 11. apart [ 1`pArt ] adv. away from (something or somebody) 分開地 The two boys are always fighting over toys, so we had better keep them apart.

Words for Production 12. plain [ plen ] adj. simple; without special taste 清淡的;淡然 無味的 I never add salt to my food. I like it plain. add A to B : 把 A 加到 B 裡

Words for Production 13. seem [ sim ] vi. to appear to be true 似乎,好像 Ted laughed at us loudly. He seemed to think we were fools.

Words for Production 14. prove [ pruv ] vt. to show to be true 證明,證實 You must prove to us that what you said is true. 詞類變化

proof [ pruf ] n. [C U] 證據,證明 There is no proof that he was lying.

Words for Production 15. chew [ tSu ] vt. to break up (food) with the teeth 咀嚼 You must chew your food well before you swallow it. Proverb : Don’t bite off more than you can chew. 勿不自量力.

Words for Production 16. fool [ ful ] vt. to trick 欺騙,愚弄 You can’t fool me with that kind of story. 詞類變化

fool [ ful ] n. [C] 傻子 I felt like a fool when I found I had got on the wrong bus. foolish [ `fulIS ] adj. 愚蠢的,可笑的 I couldn’t answer the teacher’s question, and this made me feel rather foolish.

Words for Production 17. slice [ slaIs ] n. [C] a thin flat piece cut from something 薄片 I used to eat several slices of bread for breakfast. used to + 原形動詞 表過去的習慣

Words for Production 18. alike [ 1`laIk ] adj. like one another 相似的,類似的 The two brothers look alike. That’s because they are twins. The twin brothers look like each other. = The twin brothers look alike.

Words for Production 19. expect [ Ik`spEkt ] vt. to think (that something will happen or that somebody will come) 預料;期待 How could you expect to pass the test when you didn’t even study?

Words for Production 20. mix [ mIks ] vt. to combine to form a whole 混合 You can mix the blue and yellow paint to make green.

Words for Production 21. odd [ Ad ] adj. strange; unusual 不尋常的 The milk smells odd; it has gone sour.

Words for Recognition 1.vinegar [ `vInIG2 ] n. [U] an acid-tasting liquid used in adding taste to food 醋

Words for Recognition 2.soap [ sop ] n. [U] a product made from fat or oil and used with water for washing 肥皂 由 … 所做成 be made of 製作過程中本質不變 Bread is made of flour. Be made from 製作過程中本質改變 Wine is made from rice.

Words for Recognition 3.pinch [ pIntS ] vt. to press (something) tightly 捏,擰

Words for Recognition 4.blindfold [`blaInd&fold ] vt. to cover (the eyes) with something 蒙住 … 的 眼睛

Words for Recognition 5.coloring [ `k^l1rI9 ] n. [U] a substance used to give a special color to something, especially food 色素

Idioms and Phrases 1.have (a lot) to do with to be related or connected with 與 … 有(很 大的)關係 Hard work has a lot to do with her success. have something a lot much nothing little to do with 與 … 有些 很有 關係 沒有

Idioms and Phrases 2.tell...apart to see the difference between... 辨別,分辨 It’s hard for me to tell the twins apart. tell A from B It is difficult to tell Mary from Julia ; they look so much alike.

Idioms and Phrases 3.stop up to block 塞住 Something inside stops up the pipe. We can’t get enough water.

Idioms and Phrases 4.at the same time meanwhile 同時 I can’t think about more than one thing at the same time.

Idioms and Phrases 5.make a difference (to) to have an effect on... (對 … )有影響 Natural food will make a difference to your health.