1 Carla Tharp EDU-225 November 23, 2014 Instructor Goodwin (Google.com, 2014)
3 (Sedl.org, 2014)
4 A flower smells good (YouTube, 2014) Smoke smells bad (Google.com, 2014)
5 Music Noise Sounds (YouTube, 2014) Ears (Google.com, 2014)
6 Sweet Salty Sour Bitter (YouTube, 2014 ) (Google.com, 2014)
7 Snow feels cold Iron feels hot (YouTube, 2014 ) (Google.com, 2014)
8 See a shooting Star Food looks good Look where I am going (YouTube, 2014) (Google.com, 2014 )
10 Google.com, (2014). creative commons images - Google Search. Retrieved from: tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=s1dyVM- oDcOuyASmpILAAw&ved=0CB0QsAQ#tbm=isch&q=creative+commons+images+5+senses tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=s1dyVM- oDcOuyASmpILAAw&ved=0CB0QsAQ#tbm=isch&q=creative+commons+images+5+senses Sedl.org, (2014). Paso Partners | Unit K: Five Senses - Overview. Retrieved from: YouTube, (2014). 5 Senses Song- The sense of Taste!. Retrieved from: sCPetUMchttp:// sCPetUMc YouTube, (2014). 5 senses song- your sense of touch!. Retrieved at: YouTube, (2014). eyes! A 5 senses sing-along. Retrieved from: YouTube, (2014). five senses song- ears and hearing!. Retrieved from: YouTube, (2014). nose! A 5-senses sing-along. Retrieved from: YouTube, (2014). The 5 Senses: Sight, Hearing, Taste, Smell and Touch, Preschool and Kindergarten Activities. Retrieved from: