SWBAT use sensory details in their writing.
I went to the beach and it was great.
What did you SEE? Blue waves Big birds Tiny ants Brown sand Beautiful people
What did you HEAR? Waves crashing Birds chirping People talking
What did you TASTE? Sweet mangos Salty hotdog Refreshing water Cool lemonade
What did you TOUCH? Silky blanket Smooth sand Rough seashells Slippery rocks
What did you SMELL? Salty water Sweet barbeque Sunscreen
How I would use this in teaching. I would use this in teaching as a way to present to students different concepts such as sensory details. This would serve as a good hook or introduction to a lesson. I can show a clip like this with images and sounds and then ask students to make connections or explain the concept. This would be a great way to increase engagement and show not just talk about a topic of learning.