"Peering beneath an Erupting Volcano on the Bottom of the Ocean" With Guest Scientist Dr. Suzanne Carbotte Originally presented 10 Mar 2012
Exploration of the Sea Floor Began with “HMS Challenger” First organized oceanographic expedition Circumnavigated the globe between Used weighted piano wire to “sound” the sea floor Discovered the Mid- Ocean Ridge System
In the 1920s, echo-sounding provided technology for real-time images SO und NA vigation and R anging First developed in the 1920s Rapid developments during “Age of Electronics” USS Stewart made soundings across Atlantic
In 1923, Francis Shepard went on his Daddy’s yacht, and invented Marine Geology Born to a wealthy New England family (Shepard Shipping Co.) in 1897 Early research focused on the Rockies and other mountains Daddy offered his yacht for cruise off NE coast, which opened his eyes to geological problems hidden beneath the waves “Father of Submarine Geology”
During World War II, vast amounts of echo- sounding records were collected by ships crossing the oceans Originally used for ASW (anti-submarine warfare) US Navy provided many to Lamont after the war for research
Beginning in the 1950s, Marie Tharp, Bruce Heezen, and their grad students created physiographic maps of the sea floors
Acoustic and seismic research has contributed more to understanding Earth’s physical history, natural hazard potential, and climate systems than perhaps all other scientific technology combined gives scientists the ability to map the ocean floor, a tool that revolutionized earth sciences 50 years ago with the discovery that continents break apart and tectonic plates shift
Acoustic and seismic research revealed the globe-encircling volcanic mid- ocean ridge system, earthquake-producing boundaries of crustal plates, drowned shorelines, and submarine landslide deposits.
Acoustic and seismic research opaqueness of seawater to light or radio waves makes it difficult to efficiently study with either optical methods (cameras, etc), or with radar or microwave radiation (such as used in satellites). Sound, however, travels freely through the oceans and can be used to measure topography and to map geology, ocean temperatures, and currents
Seismic Imaging imaging-sediments-and-deformation
East Pacific Rise Part of Mid-Ocean Ridge System Extends northward from Pacific-Antarctic Ridge Includes some of the fastest-spreading portions of sea floor
“ALVIN” Research submersible designed by Allyn Vine for WHOI “Mother ship” Atlantis Can descend deeper than 14,500 ft (4800 m) Among many accomplishments was pivotal role in Project FAMOUS (1974) content/uploads/2009/11/alvin.jpg
Hydrothermal Vents Discovered by Alvin in 1978 on EPR Now known in many other locations
RIDGE 2000 Multidisciplinary science research program focused on integrated geological and biological studies of the Earth- encircling oceanic spreading center system Integrated Studies focus on geology & biology of spreading center system Time Critical Studies enhance detection of volcanoes and other transient events, allow rapid-response
LDEO East Pacific Rise Research 3D MultiChannel Seismic Survey of the magmatic- hydrothermal system East Pacific Rise 9°50‘N 3D MultiChannel Seismic Survey of the magmatic- hydrothermal system East Pacific Rise 9°50‘N Analysis of 9°50'N East Pacific Rise Seismicity: Insight into Hydrothermal and Magmatic Processes Analysis of 9°50'N East Pacific Rise Seismicity: Insight into Hydrothermal and Magmatic Processes
Lamont pioneered many seismic exploration technologies, first with the Vema and continuing now with the Marcus G. Langseth
Collecting seismic data as the Marcus G Langseth crosses the ocean