By: Leigh Twigg
Alex is bewildered by the hints about his gift.
bewildered Confused and unable to understand something
Say the word bewildered
What is something that bewildered you at the beginning of school?
Alex receives evasive answers about his gift.
evasive When someone tries to avoid answering a question
Say the word evasive
Should you be evasive when you answer questions on a test?
Alex has to mull over the clues he hears.
mull When you think through the answer to a question
Say the word mull
Do you have to mull it over when you are asked what kind of birthday cake you want?
The puppy will startle Alex by licking his face.
startle When someone (or something) comes up quietly and surprises you
Say the word startle
Would a scary movie startle you or relax you?
Will said that friends never distrust friends.
distrust When someone is not honest
Say the word distrust
If you distrust someone, would you…? Leave your bike alone or lock it up with them
Charlie was the only witness to the crime.
witness If someone can see an event and can tell about it
Say the word witness
Can you be a witness to an event that happened at school while you were at home?
Will brushed back a lock of his hair.
lock A group of hair that hang together
Say the word lock
Why would you brush a lock of hair out of your face?
The children found the ball beneath a tree.
beneath under
Say the word beneath
What is beneath your desk?