Live lesson every 22:00 (KSA time) Taught by Abu Ismaeel Saalik Ad-deen Ahmed
1.Exercises from lesson 4a 2.Vocabulary for lesson 4b 3.Grammar for lesson 4b 1.Prepositions 2.Pronouns 1.Lesson 4b from the text book PREVIOUSLY COVERED IN LESSON 4b
أنا من اليابانِ لا عمّارٌ من الصينِ هو من الهندِ ذَهَبَ إلى المديرِ لا, ذَهَبَ عليٌّ إلى المرحاضِ
علىفي إلى من إلى
VOCABULARY LESSON 5 The Messenger : الرسول The Ka’bah : الكعبة The Name : الاسم The Son : الابن The Paternal Uncle : العم The Maternal Uncle : الخال The Bag : الحقيبة The Car : السيّارة The Street : الشارع Closed : مُغلَقٌ Beneath/ Under : تَحتَ There : هُنَاكَ
GRAMMAR LESSON 5 الإضافة - مضاف و مضاف إليه The Possessive Expression الإضافة is used to show how one noun belongs to another noun or is possessed by another noun. Example: سيّارةُ المديرِسيّارةُ مديرٍ The manager’s carA manager’s car المضاف : سيّارة / The possessed المضاف إليه : المدير / The possessor The مضاف always precedes the مضاف إليه The مضاف changes it’s case ending depending on it’s function in the sentence, however, the مضاف إليه is always مجرور
المضاف : The Possessed -Always precedes the مضاف إليه -Can be in any case (nominative - dhammah, genitive - kasrah, accusative - fatthah) -By default it is definite even though it doesn’t have ‘al’ before it -It doesn’t accept the tanween. -المضاف إليه : The Possessor -Can be definite or indefinite -Is always in the genitive case سيّارةُ المديرِ The manager’s car
Indeclinable words : كلمات مبنية In Arabic some words are indeclinable, meaning that their endings do not change regardless of their function within a sentence or what they are preceded by. These types of words in Arabic are referred to as being مبنية. Examples: مَن = كتابُ مَن هذا؟ أينَ = مِن أينَ خرج محمد؟ هذا = خرج محمد مِن هذا الفصل
تَحتَ / Beneath, under The noun that follows تحت takes the genitive case because it is مضاف إليه Example: الحقيبةُ تحت المكتبِ The bag is underneath the desk
همزة الوصل و همزة القطع The Arabic letter ‘ ا - Alif’ is of two types: 1 – همزة القطع أ - : Hamza tul-qat’ – This type of Hamza is always pronounced. أين ذهب محمد و أين ذهب عليٌّ 2 - همزة الوصل- ا : Hamza tul-wasl – Some words begin with this type of Hamza. If that word is preceded by a word or letter then this Hamza is not pronounced, however, it remains in written form. ابن الإمام طبيب وابن المدير مدرس
النداء : Vocative Particle In Arabic a word that is used for calling someone is called An-nidaa النداء and in Arabic we use ‘ يا ’ for this purpose. Example: a teacher : مدرسٌ oh teacher : يا مدرسُ - The word that follows the نداء is referred to as المنادى. - The منادى is usually in the nominative case and even if the منادى is indefinite it still only takes one vowel.