6 th Grade ELA
Prepositions are words that show location OR a relationship between a noun and another word.
PREPOSITION + Sometimes a helping word (the, a or an) + NOUN (person, place, or thing) = PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE
The puppy is (on the floor).
aboardaroundbeyondfrom ontoaboutasbut inoutunder toward aboveatbyunderneath Insideoutsideacrossbefore intooveruntilunto afterbehinddespitelike pastupagainstbelow downnearsinceupon alongbeneathduringof to throughwithamidbeside exceptoffforthroughout amongbetweenonwithin
Describe the picture using Prepositions! (The Peaceable Kingdom, Edward Hicks)
1. Think of a place in the school. 2. Give directions to that place from Ms. Cox’s room. (You must write at least 5 sentences.) 3. [Bracket] the prepositional phrases and underline the prepositions.
1. Draw a treasure map. 2. Write directions to the treasure using prepositions. 3. Underline the prepositions and enclose prepositional phrases in parentheses. 4. Be creative!!
Treasure Map Rubric Eight directional sentences with prepositional phrases [bracketed] and prepositions underlined (40 points) Title (5 points) Compass Rose (10 points) Map Key (10 points) Landform (10 points) Water Element (10 points) Neatness (5 points) Creativity (5 points) Name, Date, Period (5 points)
(To the tune of Jingle Bells) aboard, about, above across, after, against along, among, around at, before, behind. below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, but, by, coming, down, during, except, for, from, inside OH-H-H! into, like, near, of, off on, out, over, past since, through, throughout, till, to, toward, under, underneath until, up, upon, with within and without Now I know my prepositions Of that there's no doubt!