Summer School Rio de Janeiro March MODELING MARITIME PBL Amauri Pereira de Oliveira Group of Micrometeorology
2 Topics 1.Micrometeorology 2.PBL properties 3.PBL modeling 4.Modeling surface-biosphere interaction 5.Modeling Maritime PBL 6.Modeling Convective PBL
3 Modeling Maritime PBL
4 Maritime PBL Sjöblom, A. and Smedam, A.S., 2003: Vertical structure in the marine atmospheric boundary layer and its implication for the inertial dissipation method, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 109, 1-25 Inertial layer; Roughness layer.
5 What is going on beneath the ocean surface Thorpe, S.A., 2004: Recent developments in the study of ocean turbulence. Ann. Rew. Earth Planet. Science., 32,
6 Oceanic mixed layer
7 Air-Sea Interaction Edson et al., 1999: Coupled Marine Boundary Layers and Air-Sea Interaction Initiative: Combining Process Studies, Simulations, and Numerical Models.
8 Some important discrepancies Wainer, et al., 2003: Intercomparison of Heat Fluxes in the South Atlantic. Part I: The Seasonal Cycle. Journal of Climate.
9 Convective PBL over Cabo Frio Cabo Frio – upwelling area Upwelling - Stable PBL Cold Front passage disrupt upwelling Upwelling give place to a downwelling Dowelling - Convective PBL
10 References Dourado, M.S. and Oliveira, A.P., 2008: A numerical investigation of the atmosphere-ocean thermal contrast over the coastal upwelling region of Cabo Frio, Brazil, Atmosfera, 21(1), Dourado, M., and Oliveira, A.P., 2001: Observational description of the atmospheric and oceanic boundary layers over the Atlantic Ocean. Revista Brasileira de Oceanografia, 49, Available at:
11 Cabo Frio upwelling SST AVHRR NOAA (Dutra et al. 2006, XV CBMET)
12 Upwelling Downwelling
13 Cold Front July 6, 21GMT
14 Cold Front
15 upwelling downwelling
16 Second Order Closure Model Oceanic mixed layer model
17 Mean equations Momentum Thermodynamic Specific Humidity
18 Second Order Closure Model
19 Oceanic Mixed Layer Model (i)The turbulent mixing is strong enough so that upper ocean is characterized by a mixed layer where the temperature does not vary in the vertical direction; (ii)Transition layer between the mixed layer and the stratified non turbulent ocean bellow is much smaller than the mixed layer so that the vertical variation of temperature can be indicated by a temperature jump; (iii)The energy required to sustain turbulent mixing is provided by convergence of the vertical flux of TKE.
20 Oceanic Mixed Layer Model Mixed layer ocean atmosphere
21 Oceanic Mixed Layer Model Temperature (T o )
22 Derivation of OML Temperature equation
23 Oceanic Mixed Layer Model depth (h) and temperature jump (ΔT)
24 Turbulent heat flux effects
25 Boundary (coupling) conditions Energy
26 Oceanic Mixed Layer
27 Atmospheric turbulent fluxes C H, C E and C D are transfer coefficient of sensible, latent and momentum (drag coefficient).
28 Atmospheric turbulent fluxes
29 Radiation balance at the surface Short wave down Short wave up Broadband transmissivity Albedo
30 Radiation balance at the surface Long wave contribution Long wave up Long wave down ε = 0.98 Surface emissivity a = 0.52 and b = 0.064
31 Boundary and coupling conditions Stress
32 MIXING LAYER MODEL CLOSURE Applying TKE equation to transition layer
33 MIXING LAYER MODEL CLOSURE In the interface Dimensional analysis
34 MIXING LAYER MODEL CLOSURE 1. Stationary: 2. Shear production, molecular dissipation and pressure term are neglected in transition layer is neglected because:
35 Mixing Layer Model Transition Layer
36 Thermodynamic Equation Limit 0
37 MIXING LAYER MODEL CLOSURE Thermal mixing Mechanical Mixing
38 Stable and Convective Run
39 Upwelling – Stable PBL Downwelling - Convective PBL
40 Upwelling – Stable PBL Downwelling - Convective PBL
41 Upwelling – Stable PBL Downwelling - Convective PBL
42 Upwelling – Stable PBL Downwelling - Convective PBL
43 PBL Time Evolution
44 Fluxes and Variances
47 Observations FluTuA –Campaign May 2002 –Campaign December 2008
48 FluTuA Observational campaign May 2002
49 Bacellar, S., Oliveira, A. P., Soares, J., and Servain, J., 2009: Assessing the diurnal evolution surface radiation balance over the Tropical Atlantic Ocean using in situ measurements carried out during the FluTuA Project. Meteorological Application. Available at: References
50 Surface Emissivity ε = 0.97 Surface emissivity ε = 0.97
51 Broadband atmospheric transmissivity
52 Surface albedo
53 Net radiation
54 Comparison with satellite estimate (SRB/NASA project)
55 Conclusion
56 Flutua 2008
57 Archipelago St Peter and St Paul
58 Air Temperature and SST
59 Turbulence – Nighttime conditions (20 Hz)
60 Turbulence – Daytime Conditions (20 Hz)