The science of ergonomics is now an art! Seating Excellence at Work
Even A good Ergonomic chair can be traumatic, if its function is not known properly.
A 3D Demo to show the functionality of the chair Fulkrum Ortho Certificate
Some Ergonomics Tips which need to be followed by everybody who are spending long hours on chair. Tips by Our Ergonomic Specialist Dr. Rao.
DON’T SIT ON THE WALLET ! Your wallet can be real pain for your back and the buttocks, and it can even lead to shooting pains down the legs. sitting on a wallet for prolonged hours every day can compress sciatic nerve which passes beneath piriformis muscle and leads to piriformis syndrome, low back pain & self-inflicted sciatica, Remove your wallet before sitting ! Dr. VENKATA RAMANA RAO, PT,PG Dip(Acu),COHS,CEAS(USA) Ergonomist, OH &S specialist Work & Wellness Corporate Health Services, 7-35, Prakash Nagar,Hafeezpet, Miyapur. Hyderabad - 49, India. Ph: Mobile Mail: Visit us at:
We would be happy to make you and your workplace cheerful and comfortable. Thank You spells comfort at work