The Tabernacle The High Priest The Ark of the Covenant.


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Presentation transcript:

The Tabernacle The High Priest The Ark of the Covenant

During his forty-day fast upon the mount, Moses received every detail needed for the construction of a tabernacle, a house of the Lord, where Israel could come and receive the keys of salvation and exaltation.

The Clothing of the Priests and High Priest

Every Israelite is directed to make a fringe in the border of his garment, of dark-blue purple thread. When he looks at the fringe he is to remember the commandments of God and to keep them. The testimony of God was also found in the pomegranates and bells attached to the high priest’s robe. The pomegranate with it’s pleasant odor, sweet and refreshing juice, and the richness of it’s delicious kernel, were symbols of the word and testimony of God as sweet and pleasant spiritual food. The bells were symbols of the sounding of this word, or the revelation and proclamation of the word.

The pattern for the official clothing of the high priest, or presiding head of the Aaronic Priesthood (not the Melchizedek Priesthood office of high priest), like that for the tabernacle, was given by revelation and had symbolic as well as practical significance. It consisted of the following items: Ephod: Worn over a blue robe, was made of blue, purple, and scarlet material, with designs of gold. It was fastened at each shoulder and around the waist. In gold settings on each shoulder were onyx stones engraved with the names of the twelve sons of Israel as a memorial as the priest served before the Lord. The symbolism was that the priest (the Lord) carried Israel on his shoulders (Exodus 28:12). The Lord directed that they were not to wear ordinary clothing during their service, but they were to have “holy garments.” Fastened to the ephod was a breastplate into which the Urim and Thummim could be placed (Exodus 28:15-30).

The Breastplate It attached to the ephod with golden chains and ouches (fasteners). It was made of fabric. It was twice as long as it was wide and when folded became a square pocket unto which the Urim and Thummim was placed. Upon the exposed half of the breastplate were precious stones inscribed with the names of each of the tribes of Israel. Thus, the high priest bore “the names of the children of Israel in the breastplate of judgment upon his heart…for a memorial before the Lord continually.”

The Robe It was blue (heavenly origin) and was woven without seams with a hole (spiritual integrity) for the head to go through. Jesus was in a similar seamless garment prior to his crucifixion. Along the hem of the robe were placed, alternately, bells and fringes woven to look like pomegranates.

The Golden Diadem and the MITRE The MITRE (or hat, or bonnet) was made of fine linen and worn by each priest. In addition, the high priest wore a golden band on the front of his miter, upon the forehead. Engraved on the band were the words “Holiness to the Lord,” signifying, first that the high priest should be characterized by this attribute, and, second, that Christ, the Great High Priest, would be perfectly holy before God.

Simple floor plan of the Tabernacle The floor plan of the Tabernacle revealed that the structure was oblong with three zones of holiness. In ascending order, the three zones were: 1. The outer court yard, often called the court of the congregation. 2. The holy place. 3. The holy of holies.

The floor plan of the Tabernacle Veil #1 – symbolized overcoming fallen conditions, Veil#2 - Entering Celestial

Exodus 26:31-37“ Two veils ” The two veils, or hangings for the door, described here are the outer door to the tabernacle (the front entrance) and the veil which separated the holy place, or first room, from the inner Holy of Holies. This latter veil is properly called the veil of the tabernacle.

Purpose :From being alienated from God, to one of full companionship. Holy of Holies=Celestial, gold, presence of God Holy Place=Terrestrial, gold Courtyard=Telestial, the world, bronze, overcoming the obstacles of mortality

Floor plan – “two squaresFloor plan – “two squares” The floor plan showed that the Tabernacle - which was 50 cubits by 100 cubits - could be divided into two equal squares. The first zone of holiness - the outer courtyard - lied in the first square with the altar of sacrifice as the central sacred furnishing. The second and third zones of holiness - the holy place and holy of holies - lay in the second square with the ark of the covenant at the center of the square (Nahum M. Sarna, Exodus [JPS Torah Commentary]).

The Floor plan, “2 squares ”

“ Tabernacle cut away ”

Tabernacle cutaway - dimensions and description

The Courtyard

The gate Entrance into the courtyard was through a multi- colored gate.

The Altar of Burnt Offering 7 ½ by 7 ½ by 5 feet. It had four horns. It was made of shittim wood and overlaid with brass. Represented obedience and sacrifice.

Holy instruments of sacrifice : The pan was a large brazen dish placed under the altar to receive the ashes as they fell through. Brazen fire shovels were used for emptying the pans. The basins were receptacles used to catch the blood from the sacrifice. The flesh-hook was a three-pronged hook that the priest used to dip into the sacrificial container. That which he brought up was to be kept for himself. The fire-pan was the container in which was kept the continuously burning fire for sacrifice.

The Holy Place Three sacred furnishings were located in the Holy Place. 1. The altar of incense was placed before the veil. 2. The Menorah or candelabra was placed on the north side. 3.The table of shewbread (Hebrew for "bread that was always present") was located on the south-side.

It stood directly in front of the veil. It was made of shittim wood covered with gold. Hot coals were placed on the altar, and every morning and evening the high priest would burn incense. Symbolizing that one can approach the presence of God only through prayer (Rev. 5:8; 8:3-4; Psalm 141:2).

The “Altar of Incense” recreated

“Altar of Incense” top view

The Menorah or Golden Candlestick (solid gold) It was the source of light in the Tabernacle. It represented the perfect light of Christ and the seven periods of creation. It was always burning. The seven cups were filled with olive oil. (Exodus 25:31-40; 37:17-24) The number symbolic of wholeness and perfection. The Lord is the perfect light! Menorah in Hebrew means place of lights.

Other scriptures indicate that olive oil represented the Holy Spirit, probably because it provided fire, heat, and light when burned in the lamps (D&C 45:56-57). Thus, the sacred menorah was a type or symbol of the true source of spiritual light, namely the Holy Ghost as he bears witness of the Father and the Son.

It was made out of shittim wood and was overlaid with gold. There were twelve loaves of bread. A wine bottle and cups were present. It has parallels with the Sacrament. The Priest replaced the twelve loaves every Sabbath. They were then allowed to eat the old bread (Exodus 25:23-30; 37:10-16).

The “Table of Shewbread” recreated

The “table of Shewbread” with bread. They were very large because of the fine flour used. They would have weighed over ten pounds each.

The Holy of Holies and the Ark of the Covenant The most important sacred furnishing was the ark of the covenant placed in the Holy of Holies. According to the biblical account, the ark was a box with a covering. On the covering were two cherubs. What were cherubs? The following are pictures of cherubs which have been found in archaeological sites in the Middle East.

So what was the Ark of the Covenant ? the throne of God. What did it look like ? We can only guess. By using the ancient artifacts as a guide, I have drawn a possible depiction of the Ark of the Covenant.

The “Ark of the Covenant” was made of acacia wood and was overlaid with gold. It stood 2 feet three inches high, 3 feet nine inches long and two feet three inches wide. It was viewed with the greatest of reverence by the Israelites, and prayers were recited before it was moved or placed in position (Numbers 10:35-36). The Mercy Seat was symbolic of the “Atonement.” The blood of the lamb of Jehovah was sprinkled upon the mercy seat during the sacred day of Atonement. Cherubims usually refer to guardians of sacred things. Three things were carried in it : (Exodus 25:10-22; 37:1-9) 1. Pot of Manna 2. Rod of Aaron 3. The Tablets

The Ancient Temple --- A type or shadow of Christ 1. The courtyard, signifying presence in the world. 2. The altar, signifying sacrifice to do the will of the Father. 3. The laver of water, signifying baptism. 4. The candlesticks, signifying the light supplied to the world. 5. The water and bread, signifying the offering of body and blood. 6. The incense before the veil, signifying the pleading cries before the Father on our behalf. 7. The veil, signifying the barriers of sin and death that were overcome. 8. Entry through the veil, which signifies the way created back to the Father. 9. The mercy seat and throne in the Most High Place, signifying merciful judgment and rule.

Ark from King Tut's Tomb The god Anubis as a jackal lying on a funerary chest, from the tomb of Tut-ankh-Amon at Thebes (about B.C.). Note that a god is pictured as sitting on an ark. This is what the Ark of the Covenant is portraying (James Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Pictures Relating to the Old Testament ).

Often, Cherub formed the thrones of kings. Daniel before King Nebuchadnezzar