Mark 2:18-22 Fasting and Wineskins
Setting Series of Encounters with Opposition – Pharisees, Scribes and John’s Disciples Opposition so far: – After healing the paralytic “Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” – After calling Levi “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
Remember! “The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” Mark 1:1 HUGE CLAIM – Sure to bring opposition Same with us
Mark 2:18 The Question of Fasting
“The voluntary abstention from an otherwise normal function – usually eating – for the sake of intense spiritual activity.” Richard Foster: The Life with God Bible
“Fasting without prayer is called ….STARVATION”
“Prayer is reaching out after the unseen; fasting is letting go of all that is seen and temporal. Fasting helps express, deepen, confirm the resolution that we are ready to sacrifice anything, even ourselves to attain what we seek for the Kingdom of God. Andrew Murray
“Fasting is a divine corrective to the human heart. It is a discipline of body with a tendency to humble the soul.” Arthur Wallis
Spiritual Disciplines Bible Study Prayer Evangelism Meditation Fasting Etc.
Should Christians Fast?
Jesus on Fasting Fasted 40 days to overcome Satan’s Temptation (Matt 4: 1-11) Jesus assumed Christians would fast “Whenever you fast do not put on a gloomy face…” (Matt 6:16) “But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and on that day they WILL fast.” (Mark 2:19-20) Jesus taught the true and effective way to fast The Early Church practiced it
Enemies to Fasting Inconveniences – it would mess up my schedule Comfort – I don’t like the feeling Unwillingness – I just don’t want to Ignorance – I don’t know about that
Tips to Begin Fasting Desire to be like Jesus Let God lead you as to when Fast for a why or purpose Pray as you fast Fast to gain self control Keep it a secret
“If the reward you aim at in fasting is the admiration of others, that is what you will get, and that will be all you get. In other words, the danger of hypocrisy is that it is so successful. It aims at the praise of men, and it succeeds. But that’s all. John Piper
Back to the Opposition
Mark 2:19-20 The Bridegroom Old Testament reference to God
Mark 2:21-22 Patches and Wineskins – Don’t ever try anything new or it will destroy you. – Don’t ever get so “old” that new will destroy you.
Illustration Explained New Patch & New Wine = Jesus and the Gospel Old Garment & Wineskin = Old Religious system New Garment & New Wineskin = Our Hearts
Context Mark 2:21-22 Paralytic Levi’s House Fasting Patches and Wineskins Grain field Healing in Synagogue
Why did Jesus or his disciples not follow the religious customs and traditions? Why are you not like us?
It is our natural tendency to fight against change or anything new and misunderstood.
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” Socrates
“If you think change is hard…Try being IRRELEVANT!” Anonymous
“I am just old and set in my ways.” Everyone
The gospel was not to patch up old existing institutions Jesus’ continuity with the Old Testament was not in the following of laws but in His revealing of the nature of God.
Meaning for the New Church – Circumcision??? – Dietary laws ??? – Temple worship???
Transcends Generations Traditions are fine as long as we are ready for new – Lessons from Lots wife (Genesis 19:26) Holding on to an old life when Jesus, the new wine, has come is not a good thing, for both. Old habits must be destroyed
Apply personally Jesus comes in We have an expanded new life God wants to stretch us We can become hardened, brittle People can refuse to expand Become hostile to the gospel
Never get so “set in your ways” that new things hurt you or you hurt the new.