FASET Refresher Welcome to the FASET Refresher course. The following screenshots will take you through the basic FASET Demo. Because this is a slide show, you can take as much time as you want to go through this.
This is the Log in Screen. Enter in your User Name and Password to log in. 1851software.com
Once you are logged in, you will see your Welcome Screen. Click on the Personnel Tab to continue.
This is where all of the information of the department personnel is stored. To edit a record, click on the Notepad icon on the left side of the record that you want to edit.
With FASET, we wanted this to be as useable as a Department wanted. Because of that, you can fill out as many or as few fields as you want. The only required field here is the Last Name field. Once you have the information updated, click on the Save button.
This is the Station Tab. Here, you should enter in all buildings and locations that are used by the Department, as these locations are used on other tabs to identify where things are located.
Here is the information that FASET is able to track. The Phone is the primary phone number of the building, and the Contact is the primary contact at that location.
The Apparatus tab is where you can track all of the Department’s vehicles; from Pumpers and EMS to SUVs and cars.
This shows the information that FASET is able to track with the vehicles.
With the first 3 tabs finished, now we can start using the information from there to identify where the various tools and equipment are located.
Here, you can see the Station and Apparatus options at the top of the screen. This allows you to track not only what this item is, but also where it is located.
The PPE Tab is where all of your Turnout and Uniform garments are recorded. To add a new record, click on the Add button on the top left of the screen.
Fill in all of the information for the gear. The Name field is linked to the Personnel tab. So, the person you are assigning it to must be listed there.
Once all of the information is filled out, click on the Save button in the bottom Right corner.
You will now see your new entry in the list. To Edit a record, click on the Edit icon.
Here, you will be able to update the record. Every time you inspect the garment, you will want to update the Inspection section. In addition to the Inspection section, there is a Repair History tab. Click on that tab.
The Repair History tab is where you can track all of the repair history that occurs with this garment. To add a new record, click on the Add button.
Fill out the information for the Repair or modification.
Once the information is filled out, click Save.
Click on the Audit Trail tab. Once there, click on the Retrieve button to see all of the record updates that have occurred with this garment To get a report on all of this Garment’s history, click on the Save and Print button on the bottom left.
Select PPE Detaul with Audit Trail and click OK
This is the Audit Report. From here, you can save or print this report to give to others. To print the report, click on the Print Button To Save the report, select your file type from the Drop Down, and click the Save icon. Once you are finished with this report, you can just close the window.
Back on the PPE Tab, there are a number of filters at the top of each column. You can use these filters to reduce the list of visible records.
If you pause for a couple of seconds after typing, your list will automatically filter. The above filter shows all garments assigned to this person.
To print a report showing those filtered garments, click on the select all check box. Once the lines are all highlighted, click on the Print button
This could be a Gear Assignment report. The report itself functions the same as the Audit History Report. You can either Print this or save it. Once you are finished with this report, simply close the window.
Back again on the PPE Tab, there is another way to look up records. Click on the Find button.
Here, you can enter values for any of the fields on the record. The date fields give you a date range to enter. Fill out what you are searching for and click OK.
This shows you all records that meet the searched criteria. You can either edit these records, run a report, or do whatever it is you need to do with them. To Show all of the records again, click on the Show All button.
FASET is designed to help you be 1851 compliant. To help with that, there is an Inspection Report. Click on the Schedule Button.
This date range will look for garments that will be exactly 1 year past their last inspection date. The default is 30 days. You can change the date range as you need. Once your range is selected, click OK.
This report will show you all garments that fall within the date range that you selected. Like the other reports, you can print or save this report. When you are finished, you can close the window.
The SCBA Tab is where you can track your SCBA tanks, masks, and straps.
The information tracked for the SCBA is below. Similar to the Hose tab, you assign an SCBA item to both a station and a vehicle.
Within FASET, all drop down boxes are customizable by the department. To customize the dropdowns, click on the Utilities Tab, and select List Management.
This screen shows you all of the dropdown fields that exist within FASET. The fields are listed alphabetically by Tab name.
The PPE Type also contains the Sizes. The size listing is a sub category of the Type to help prevent selecting incorrect garment sizes, like selecting a boot size for a coat.
To add a new field Value, click Add. Once your value is added, click Save.
Your new value is now in the list.
To add a new size, first click on the garment type, then click on the Add Size option.
Your new size is now listed. To add additional sizes, click on the Add Size button for each size.
Additional Information for FASET can be found at LIONprotects.com/FASET.LIONprotects.com/FASET