A functional design occurs when an item is designed to fulfil a need or purpose. it is constructed so that it works for the occasion for which it was created.
Functional design in clothing is essential for the general comfort of the wearer, especially sports clothes and uniforms. Functional design is design for a purpose and it may be formed by the use of pleats, darts, gathers, pockets and yokes. These features have a specific purpose.
Aesthetic design is the surface decoration or design that enhances the appearance of the item. It is visually pleasing for the eye. Aesthetic design adds the visual appeal of a garment and may be found in areas such as the trims, colour, schemes, buttons, etc. applied either during or after the construction of the garment.
Aesthetic design may be classified as either: Inherent: in fabric e.g. stripes, checks, plaids, prints in a style e.g. pleats, gathers, yokes, panels
Aesthetic design may be classified as either: Acquired: applied by hand or machine printed e.g. screenprint, blockprint embroidered by hand or machines addition of trims e.g. lace, ribbon, braids
Using a magazine paste 3 smallish pictures of textile items into your book. Analyse each picture in terms of functional and aesthetic design.