Current Issues
General Principles How is it that we can relate truth to life for ourselves; what is it that we must develop and pass on? Personally know the Word. Personally know the Word. Interpret Scripture correctly. Interpret Scripture correctly. Current Issues
General Principles Ask God for spiritual insight, wisdom and direction. Ask God for spiritual insight, wisdom and direction. Differentiate between absolutes and principles. Differentiate between absolutes and principles. Develop discernment. Develop discernment. Be open to input from other believers. Be open to input from other believers. Current Issues
General Principles Have a heart of submission to and love for God. Have a heart of submission to and love for God. Have a heart of consideration of and love for others. Have a heart of consideration of and love for others. Current Issues
DressMusic Divorce and Remarriage Calvinism/Reformed theology Bible translations Current Issues
1 Timothy 2:9-10 “Adorn themselves” = order, arrange; beautify Women are supposed to order, arrange, beautify themselves Current Issues
1 Timothy 2:9-10 “in modest apparel” = orderly garments Women are supposed to arrange and beautify themselves with orderly garments Current Issues
1 Timothy 2:9-10 Is this talking about her actual clothes, the attitudes she has in selecting clothes, or clothing herself with the following qualities? Current Issues
1 Timothy 2:9-10 “with propriety” = sense of shame, disgrace; attitude of discreet respect toward others; opposite of brash, insolent Women are supposed to adorn themselves with the garment of discreet respect toward others. Current Issues
1 Timothy 2:9-10 “and moderation” = sound mind, good judgment Women are supposed to adorn themselves with the garment of good judgment. Current Issues
1 Timothy 2:9-10 “not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing” Women’s adorning garments do not include how they fix their hair, jewelry, or expensive clothes. Current Issues
1 Timothy 2:9-10 “but what is proper for women professing godliness through good works.” Women are supposed to adorn themselves in a way that is consistent with their intent to honor God by means of their actions. Current Issues
A Christian woman’s adornment should be her godly character and actions. A Christian woman’s dress should complement her intent to honor God with her life. Current Issues
1 Peter 3:3-4 “Do not let your adornment be merely outward…” A woman’s primary adornment should not be what is on the outside (how you fix your hair, jewelry and clothes you wear). Current Issues
1 Peter 3:3-4 “rather let it be the hidden person of the heart…” A woman’s primary adornment should be what is on the inside. Current Issues
1 Peter 3:3-4 “a gentle…” = pleasant, mild, not bad-tempered “and quiet spirit” = peaceful, tranquil, not disturbed by circumstances “incorruptible” = does not wear out, wrinkle, fade, decay Current Issues
“very precious in the sight of God” = worth more than anything in your closet A woman’s primary adornment is attitudes that have a positive impact on her husband and that are highly valued by God. Current Issues
Are clothes important to God? Does Biblical Christianity emphasize items of clothing or the attitudes and character of the person? What is important to you? What are we passing on? Current Issues