powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente Adult Bible Study Guide Apr May Jun 2011 Adult Bible Study Guide Apr May Jun 2011
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Office of the Adult Bible Study Guide Staff Principal Contributors
Garments of Grace Contents 1. In the Loom of Heaven 2. From Exalted to Cast Down 3. A Garment of Innocence 4. The Coat of Different Colors 5. The Priestly Garments of Grace 6. Elijah’s ang Elisha’s Mantle 7. In the Shadow of His Wings 8. Garments of Splendor 9. A Brand Plucked From Fire 10. The Prodigal’s New Clothes 11. The Wedding Garment 12. More Clothing Imagery 13. Clothed in Christ
Garments of Grace Our Goal {169}
Garments of Grace Lesson 8, May 21 Garments of Grace Lesson 8, May 21 Garments of Splendor
Key Text
Garments of Splendor Initial Words {256}
Garments of Splendor Quick Look 1. Short-term Garments (James 4:13, 14) 2. Garments of Splendor (Isaiah 52:1) 3. Garments of Salvation (Isaiah 61:10)
Garments of Splendor 1. Short-term Garments
Unclean Lips {258}
1.Short-term Garments Like a Vapor {260} How easily, and quickly, clothing can be damaged or wear away? It doesn’t take much, does it? The finest and richest apparel can be ruined. What an apt metaphor for this world and the people on it. How quickly we’re here, how quickly we’re gone. James, in the New Testament, likens our existence to a “vapor” or a “mist.”
Christ’s Righteousness 1.Short-term Garments Like a Vapor {260} Look at what else Isaiah talks about there: God’s salvation, God’s righteousness, the garment of Christ’s righteousness, which alone brings salvation, a salvation that lasts forever. The Lord here is pointing us to the only two options humans face—dissolution and eternal death or eternal life in a new earth, one that will not “wear out like a garment” but will remain forever.
Garments of Splendor 2. Garments of Splendor
Prophetic Description {262} Isaiah leads into what is the Old Testament’s greatest prophetic description of the substitutionary death of Jesus, the very act that has made the “garments of splendor” available for all who seek them.
In Isaiah 52:3, the gift of salvation, something we can’t earn or buy, is alluded to. “For thus says the Lord: ‘You have sold yourselves for nothing, and you shall be redeemed without money’ ” (NKJV). How true—we do sell our souls for nothing, for things of this world, a world that will perish like a garment. 2. Garments of Splendor Prophetic Description {262}
Garments of Splendor 3. Garments of Salvation
Selected Messages 1:394 {264}
3. Garments of Salvation Robe of Righteousness {264} The verb translated as “decks himself” comes from a Hebrew word that means to “do the work of a priest,” a prophecy of the New Covenant understanding of all of God’s people, those dressed in the garments of salvation, functioning as “priests.” They function, not as mediators, but more in the sense of witnessing to others about the mercy and grace and salvation of God.
Garments of Splendor Final Words {263, 265}