Straight Talk on the Anatomy of a Criminal Case
3 Types of Criminal Cases Civil Infraction Lowest Severity City ordinances Traffic violations No possibility of jail/prison No right to an attorney District Court Misdemeanor Moderate Severity State Statutory Crimes Max Sentence: Up to 1 year in local jail Constitutional right to an attorney District Court Felony High Severity State/Federal Statutory Crimes Max Sentence: > 1 year in state prison Constitutional right to an attorney Circuit Court
3 Stories Civil Infraction Misdemeanor Felony Anna Speeding Brian Assault & Battery Carl Drug Charges
Anna Civil Infraction: Speeding Traffic Stop: “Do you know why I pulled you over?” = Confession “Can I search your vehicle?” = Consent 2-3 Court Hearings Arraignment: Plead Responsible + Pay Fines & Costs OR Plead Not Responsible & have a hearing Pretrial (some courts): Possible reduced charge Formal Hearing: Preponderance of Evidence Standard
Civil Infraction Penalties Fines & Costs Often $ Points on License Insurance Consequences Basic Driver Improvement Course Costs no more than $ Prevents points on your license One-time only program Basic Driver Improvement Course Costs no more than $ Prevents points on your license One-time only program
Brian Misdemeanor: Assault & Battery Investigation may lead to arrest 3-5 Court Hearings Arraignment Plead as charged OR Enter Not Guilty Plea Bond may be set Pretrial Plead to Reduced Charge OR Set for Trial Police Investigation Remain Silent Ask for Attorney Police Investigation Remain Silent Ask for Attorney
Brian Misdemeanor: Assault & Battery Status Conference ( some courts) Last chance to make a plea Trial Beyond a Reasonable Doubt Sentencing Sometimes Immediately after Trial Come to Court On Time, Every Time Dressed Professionally Come to Court On Time, Every Time Dressed Professionally
Defenses & Alternatives Failure to Prove Guilt Elements of the crime are not met Behavior was not illegal OR Defendant did not do the illegal behavior = Not Guilty Affirmative Defense Legally recognized defense Justification for otherwise illegal behavior Asserted at trial (before the jury) = Not Guilty Alternative Pleas Delayed Sentence Holmes Youthful Trainee Act Sentencing Plea Work Release/Tether
Misdemeanor Penalties Jail Time (up to 1 year) Different crimes = Different maximum sentences Probation Counseling Drug screening Fines & Costs Often up to $1,000 Restitution to victim License Restrictions Possible Immigration Consequences
Carl Felony: Possession of Narcotics 5-8 Court Hearings Usually begins with arrest Bond usually required Bond restrictions District Court Arraignment – Bond is set Pre-Exam Conference – Demands for Discovery are made Preliminary Examination Evidentiary Hearing Probable Cause standard
Carl: Felony: Possession of Narcotics Circuit Court Arraignment Often waived Pretrial Plead to Reduced Charge OR Set for Trial Status Conference Last chance for plea Attorneys make last preparations Trial Beyond a Reasonable Doubt Pre-Sentence Investigation Report By Probation Office Sentencing Always on separate day
Felony Sentencing Sentencing Guidelines Deviation requirements Maximum Sentence > 1 year in prison Probation Counseling Drug screening Fines & Costs Often over $1,000 Restitution to victim License Restrictions Immigration Consequences Talking to the Judge Answer questions aloud (yes or no) Don't lose your temper or argue Talking to the Judge Answer questions aloud (yes or no) Don't lose your temper or argue